The Effect of Love on Childrens Growth in The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe浅谈《纳尼亚传奇:狮子、女巫与魔衣橱》中爱对孩子成长的作用文献综述

 2021-10-22 21:49:19


1. Introduction1.1 Research backgroundC. S. Lewis is a famous British writer, scholar, and critic in the 20th century. He is also recognized as one of the most important Christian writers in the 20th century. He studied literature, philosophy and theology all his life, especially the medieval and Renaissance English literature, he can be called a giant of English literature. But for him to win the most extensive readers, it is his "The Chronicles of Narnia" series of magic novels. In 1950, Lewis published the fantasy novel The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Once published, it has aroused strong repercussions. After that, he continued to publish one book every year on the theme of Narnia kingdom in the following six years, which constituted a fantastic literary masterpiece, The Chronicles of Narnia, describing the rise and fall of Narnia, the Magic Kingdom. Among them, his first volume, The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe has won him the Carnegie prize for literature, the highest honor of British children's literature, and has become a classic of modern literature. The popularity of The Chronicles of Narnia has attracted much attention of critics from home and abroad, and there are many monographs about The Chronicles of Narnia emerging in the following forty years after C. S. Lewis's death. Studies and researches on The Chronicles of Narnia are getting more popular; meanwhile, theses, treatises and papers about the novel are also published home and abroad. Studies on The Chronicles of Narnia are from a variety of critical perspectives, including theme, writing techniques, metaphysical elements, characterization and religious aspects. In general, most researchers concentrate on thematic study and writing techniques.Thematically, critical essays and comments about The Chronicles of Narnia are concerned with the religious aspects, death, gender issues, education, secondary world, ecology, ethical aspects and utopia respectively. Meanwhile, much of the current scholarly interest focuses on the field of education. (Deng, 2017; Lewis, 1963; Pu, 2010; Taylor, 2008 etc.)As one of the illustrious classic fantasies and childrens literatures with mythological, religious, theological elements, it is no surprise that the Chronicles has caught considerable attention and interests of researchers, readers, and scholars. Because of this uniqueness, it is always connected with growth and education, and it is necessary to study it. According to Lewis, a good book is that people can read it and find more in it than they did to start with, or find that the delight doesnt diminish with rereading (Cai, 2019). Twenty years have passed since Lewiss centennial birth, researches towards the Chronicles is not of decline; if anything, is of increase.Based on the close textual reading of The Chronicles of Narnia, the present study attempts to analyze in detail the initiation themes in The Chronicles of Narnia. This paper will focus on the theme of "love" throughout the novel and analyze it from the perspectives of parents' love for children, love between brothers, sisters and family members, love taught by teachers, friendship among peers, etc., to study the role of these different types of love in the growth of children, and put forward suggestions on children's growth and development in the contemporary society. 1.2 Need for the studyThe study has both practical and academic meanings. On one hand, much of the current scholarly interest focuses on the filed of education. First, academic circles at home and abroad are relatively active in the study of growth and education in The Chronicles of Narnia and have accumulated a certain number of published articles. This article mainly studies the effect of love on children's growth, so as to deepen the research on children's growth and development on the basis of previous studies. Second, the role of all kinds of love for children's growth is a very important concept in this study. To a certain extent, it makes up for the lack of research on this issue and enriches the research content of children's growth education in The Chronicles of Narnia.On the other hand, the society is facing new problems, such as the low age of crime, widowed parenting and so on. The key to solve these problems lies in children's growth and education. Thus, based on the close textual reading of The Chronicles of Narnia, the present study attempts to analyze in detail the children's Growth themes in The Chronicles of Narnia. through Exploring children's Growth themes in The Chronicles of Narnia, we will attain more knowledge of the protagonists development in Narnia and the important role of love in their growth from naivety to maturity. Studying the effect of love on children's growth can speed up the formulation of policies on children's healthy growth and promote the improvement of relevant systems and mechanisms. Also, the research on children's growth education can provide reference and enlightenment for children's growth education in today's society, so as to speed up the improvement of children's cultivation system.1.3 Research purposesThe present study aims to investigate the role of different types of love in the growth of children. This paper will focus on the theme of "love" throughout the novel, and analyze it from the perspectives of parents' love for children, love between brothers and sisters, love taught by teachers, and friendship among peers. Thats to say, to find out the important factors that affect children's growth and development, and the important role that "love" plays in it is the heart of the study. What's more, through analyzing the social environment in which the novel was at that time, the author's personal growth process and children's three different growth environments, it discusses the different effects of different environments on children's growth.In addition, this study is dedicated to better response to the current social problems related to children's growth and education, which is so important and meaningful as to improve the next generation. In other words, if children receive a good and positive education, it would facilitate stable development and prosperity of society.2.Literature reviewThe Chronicles of Narnia is not only listed among the worldwide classic fantasy literature and childrens literature, but also is considered as a profound Christian literature. Because of its fantastic and mythical features, The Chronicles of Narnia has attracted millions of readers, children and adults, home and abroad.When the first book, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was published in 1950, it has received large popularity all around the world. C. S. Lewis then accomplished the other six books at the following six years, and so the excellent fantasy novel comes to its day. The popularity of The Chronicles of Narnia has attracted much attention of critics from home and abroad, and there are many monographs about The Chronicles of Narnia emerging in the following forty years after C. S. Lewiss death. Studies and researches on The Chronicles of Narnia are getting more popular; meanwhile, theses, treatises and papers about the novel are also published home and abroad.Studies on The Chronicles of Narnia are from a variety of critical perspectives, including theme, writing techniques, metaphysical elements, characterization and religious aspects. In general, most researchers home and abroad concentrate on thematic study and writing techniques.2.1 Thematic studies on The Chronicles of NarniaThematically, critical essays and comments about The Chronicles of Narnia are concerned with the religious aspects, death, gender issues, education, secondary world, ecology, ethical aspects and utopia respectively.2.1.1 The perspective of religionIn religious aspects, researches are mostly dealing with its Christian tendency or Christian spirits. Among those, Abbey (2006) gives a popular anthology of personal and critical responses to the chronicles, giving various perspectives of appreciation of the chronicles. And Ramsey (2000) tries to explore the significant theme in transformation of the chronicles. Ramsey (2000) begins with the transformation of Narnia and all living things created by Aslan, a catalyst for change. And then digs out transformations as part of the quest pattern found in The Chronicles of Narnia, that is, "after journeying into unknown territory and battling opposite forces, many a literary hero finds himself or herself forever changed by his or her experiences"(Ramsey, 2000: 8). This is the best way to appreciate the series in the perspective of religion. 2.1.2 The perspective of death and mythApart from the aspect of religion, death and myth are lasting topics in the fairy tales, so does in The Chronicles of Narnia. Based on the experience of the death of C. S. Lewis' wife, Gray (1997) explores the tension between myth and reality in Lewis' attempts to write the experience of death. Chen (2010) and Cai (2019) try to explore C. S. Lewis' viewpoints upon life and death in the Chronicles of Narnia. C. S. Lewis' viewpoints upon life and death are greatly influenced by Christianity and he believes death is a wonderful transition from this world to that world. The ultimate destination, namely the Aslan's land, includes and embodies the nice parts of every world. 2.1.3 The perspective of gender issuesGender issues are getting more and more popular especially in the academic study in recent years, in this case, there are many essays putting emphasis on the gender issues reflected in The Chronicles of Narnia. Bowden (1999) typically studies gender issues reflected in The Chronicles of Narnia. Most people originally assert that female characters the chronicles depicted are weak, vulnerable and easy to break down. But Bowden (1999) and Hardy (2014) try to explore the writing intentions of female characters that Lewis sets, hence drawing a conclusion that many critics have misinterpreted the chronicles, actually the female characters it depicted are strong, brave and independent women in chronicles. 2.1.4 The perspective of educationFurthermore, much of the current scholarly interest focuses on the field of education. Taylor (2008) discusses the use of The Chronicles of Narnia in social work practice and adult educational settings, and suggests that the chronicles can be used to present group and family roles, leadership types, and the concept of forgiveness. Later, Deng (2017) in her Masters degree thesis focuses on the growth of the protagonists in Narnia, and points out that growth, love and game spirit are the three growth themes in Narnia. Besides, C. S. Lewis theory On Three Ways of Writing for Children, which exactly expresses Lewis' aesthetic point of writing with artistic consideration of three ways of writing for children. And based on the theory, Pu (2010) emphasizes the artistic features of the Narnia series and demonstrates the applicability of this theory to the Chronicles of Narnia. 2.1.5 The perspective of secondary worldAs to the thematic study of the secondary world. The concept, "secondary world", is originated from J. R. R. Tolkien's On Fairy Stories. In his point of view, "the primary world, the real world, is created by God, while the secondary world is our imaginary world to get rid of the bondage of our real world"(1947: 77). The secondary world is a better place, which is full of happiness, wonders and miracles. Wang (2012) makes a sharp contrast between the cool, cruel, unjust primary world and the happy, peaceful, just secondary world, the Narnia Kingdom, on the basis of C. S. Lewis living background to highlight the worth and spiritual satisfaction of the secondary world and the gloomy part of the primary world. Besides, from the perspective of J. R. R. Tolkien's fairy-story theory, The Chronicles of Narnia is studied as a pure fairy-story by exploring its fairy-story features in her article.2.1.6 The perspective of ecologyThe Chronicles of Narnia depicts various pictures of different patterns in getting along with nature. From the perspective of ecology, some critics expose the devastating lost resulting from the industry civilization, hence appealing our human being for protecting nature and creating a harmonious relationship with nature. In the field of space theory, the literary geography is a new perspective and entry point for the study of the chronicles from the structure of the narration, presents a process of creation, evolvement, and destruction of Narnia Kingdom. And it all developed and presented in the fantastic yet concrete geospatial. The construction and destruction of a concrete geospatial symbolizes the creation and perish of an imaginary world.2.1.7 The perspective of ethical aspectsFrom the ethical aspects, many scholars analyze the good forces in The Chronicles of Narnia from the ethics scenes, ethical images and ethical choices aspects, which reflect the authors views of good and evil. Irrationalism focuses on human's instinct, emotion, desire and willingness of individualism. Xie (2015) and Mu (2015) explores the significant role that some irrational elements played in the fantasy world hence unveiling its meaning in reality world. In encountering dilemma and difficulties, human's illuminating instinct and emotion could wake the beautiful spring in Narnia.2.1.8 The perspective of utopiaThe last thematic study of the chronicles is the utopia reflected inside of the novel. Utopian literature refers to category literature which describes ideal political institution and life style. Utopian literature points to the desire for less external control and more intrinsic worth in everyday existence. The Narnia Kingdom depicted in the Narnia series is an ideal Utopian society in the form of fantasy. Hardy (2014) examines the important ways in which Lewis clearly echoes The Faerie Queen and Paradise Lost, and showing the spiritual concepts is so personally important to C.S. Lewis. C. S. Lewis constructs a man-centered ethical system and ultimate ethical utopia where truth, good and beauty are harmoniously unified.2.2 Previous studies on Lewiss writing techniquesAs shown above, C. S. Lewis' theological thoughts which are indispensable to his fictional works are quoted to show the hidden themes in the series. Besides those thematic studies listed above, there are many theses aiming to explore and discover its aesthetics from narrative strategies, metaphors, imagery and parodies.2.2.1 The perspective of narrative strategies and metaphorsIn this respective, critics studied from time narrative, characters narrative and discourse narrative to explore and analyze the novel's aesthetic features. Manlove (1993) has carefully studied the various tales and claims that "These stories are patterned narratives with many complex, intertwined threads and these tales mirror Lewis's view of the universe as both mysterious and complex"(1993: 27). Various metaphors are largely used in The Chronicles of Narnia, Narnians, objects, and narrative patterns imply some metaphorical meaning, especially Christian metaphors in some characters. The suffering-death-resurrection pattern of Aslan is the metaphor of Jesus. The magic wardrobe, the pass way of Narnia Kingdom, is the metaphor of a trusting heart in Christianity. And the Turkish delight is the metaphor of the forbidden fruit in the Eden.2.2.1 The perspective of imagery and parodiesAdditionally, the wide use of Biblical imagery has attracted many critics attention. Cheng (2012) explores the association between texts and Bible from images, themes and narrative structure to find out the unity of literature and to unveil the Christian ideas depicted in the novel. As a fantasy novel, The Chronicles of Narnia embodies all various traditional myth. Proper (2006) makes a meticulous study of C. S. Lewis animal images with close reading and concludes that Animal Wizard that C. S. Lewis depicted derive special powers from God, embody God-like characteristics within natural animal forms and have the ability to outperform humans, in many ways setting examples that enlighten and improve human behavior, while giving instruction in friendship, forgiveness and prayer. Moreover, The Chronicles of Narnia has carried out comprehensive parody of the Bible, for example, its calendar, narrative structure, themes and characters. Wang (2010) analyzes the novel's parodistic elements, themes, structures and characters.From these works domestic and abroad, studies on the chronicles are undertaken from diversified perspectives of studies. As a fairy tale, The Chronicles of Narnia is normally regarded as a classic childrens book. Because of this uniqueness, it always has some connections with growth. The study of children's growth and education is a problem that cannot be ignored under the current historical conditions. Beyond doubt, the series which talks about different protagonists from children to youth of learning and growth experience is fully in line with growth and education theme structure. Therefore, it is worthwhile to appreciate the initiation themes that is embodied in the chronicles. Meanwhile, it is worth mentioning that there are a few critics (Wang, 2011) from home and abroad, although only a minority, devoting themselves to appreciating The Chronicles of Narnia from the perspective of initiation story. Up till now, the study of the initiation themes of the chronicles is the weak link of domestic and foreign scholars.In terms of growth education, scholars (Chen, 2014; Deng, 2017; Stutler, 2011; Zhao, 2016 etc.) have made detailed analyses of The Chronicles of Narnia from the perspectives of narratology and image archetype, growth process, pragmatics (principle of conversation), and ethnographic field methods, etc. According to the data collected in this project, although many scholars have done many researches on The Chronicles of Narnia, there are still some deficiencies in these researches. Secondly, in the process of collecting documents, I also found that there are relatively few research documents on the factors that affect the physical and mental development of people, even if there are only a brief one, it seems that there is no special research on this. This provides some space and possibility for the writing of this paper. 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