A Critical Analysis of the Female Images and Their Practical Significance in Vanity Fair 分析《名利场》中的女性形象及其现实意义文献综述

 2021-10-24 15:37:48


1.Introduction1.1Research backgroundVanity Fair is a masterpiece of Thackeray, a British novelist of the 19th century. Thackeray s description and satirical criticism of the life of the bourgeoisie and aristocracy is sharp, penetrating and unique. His writing is filled with wit, humor, satire and pathos. The novel successfully portrays many typical non-hero characters in Victorian period. Among them, Becky Sharp and Amelia Sedley, two heroines who appeared at the beginning of the novel, are the most popular. Amelia is Sharps only good friend at Pinkerton girls school. However, when they graduated, they were treated differently by their classmates and teachers. Amelia had a letter written by Miss Pinkerton, the school principal, while no one cared when Becky left. Although they are in the same age and have the same education in the same school, their personalities are quite different. Becky is selfish, dissolute but strong in heart, and never really loves one person in her life. Amelia is kind and tolerant but fragile, and almost exhausts her whole life to mourn her beloved husband. Beckys personality makes people love and hate. As a result, she becomes the most glorious role in Vanity Fair. The novel is under the much attention of many literary scholars because of the rebellious character. For the appreciation and evaluation of the novel, mostly focused on the character image, which is especially typical for female image as Becky Sharp. This thesis will analyze the characters, differences and causes of differences of the two heroines, as well as the reasons of different fates caused by their characters, so as to understand the social environment and the practical significance of their images at that time.1.2Purpose and significance of topic selectionVanity Fair has distinct artistic characteristics. Thackeray uses humor, satire, narration and other narrative methods to state the story, depicts the characters through happy and lively tune. He also uses realistic expression techniques to expose the various ugliness of the British upper class at that time, which makes the work have a unique artistic charm. Thackeray imbues Becky Sharp with his reflections on capitalism: She combines the vanities and hypocrisy of the Western world in the 19th century, presenting the readers with an image of ambition and pursuit of fame and fortune. By analyzing and comparing the female characters in Vanity Fair to reveal the vanity view of women in the 19th century, the readers can draw the conclusion that they are the products of the era and social ethos. 1.3Research status Thackeray is a 19th century critical realism novelist and critic. His great work Vanity Fair deeply reflects all kinds of ugliness in life, and many aspects of which have attracted the attention of many people both at home and abroad. At home, Qi (2014) presents his image understanding of Becky Sharp. Ding (2009) analyzes the interactions among social groups from the perspective of Becky Sharp. At abroad, Ferris (1987) thinks that Vanity Fair is a criticism of the corruption of capitalist society. He praised the Victorian angel Amelia, and whipped Becky Sharp as an adventurous and hypocritical woman. William Elkins (1990) points out that Thackerays main concern is Becky Sharp, not Amelia.However, Dyson (1964) believes that Vanity Fair is the most dishonest work in the world. Its dishonesty is reflected in the seven faceted, profound irony and clear sermon to the characters. Each exploration of the connotation of Vanity Fair tends to be diversified, and the social problems revealed, such as vanity view of females, are of practical significance in todays society. This book is also of great significance for people to resist hedonism and money worship and establish scientific values in todays materialistic society.2.Literature review 2.1 Overview of Vanity FairThackerays description and satirical criticism of the life of the bourgeoisie and aristocracy is sharp, penetrating and unique. His writing is filled with wit, humor, satire and pathos. The novel successfully portrays many typical non-hero characters in Victorian period. Among them, Becky Sharp and Amelia Sedley, two heroines who appeared at the beginning of the novel, are the most popular. Amelia is Sharps only good friend at Pinkerton girls school. However, when they graduated, they were treated differently by their classmates and teachers. Amelia had a letter written by Miss Pinkerton, the school principal, while no one cared when Becky left. Although they are in the same age, the same beauty and the same education in the same school, their personalities are quite different. Becky is selfish, dissolute but strong in heart, and never really loves one person in her life. Amelia is kind and tolerant but fragile, and almost exhausts her whole life to mourn her beloved husband. Beckys personality makes people love and hate. As a result, she becomes the most glorious role in Vanity Fair. The novel is under the much attention of many literary scholars because of the rebellious characters.For the appreciation and evaluation of the novel, mostly focused on the character image, which is especially typical for female image as Becky Sharp. This thesis will analyze the characters, differences and causes of differences of the two heroines, as well as the reasons of different fates caused by their characters, so as to understand the social environment and the practical significance of their images at that time.2.2 Background of Becky and Amelia2.2.1 Background of BeckyBecky Sharps life is full of pains. Different from her friend Amelia, her life is miserable and her social status is lower. Beckys father, an artist, taught painting at Miss Pinkertons school. However, he was addicted to alcohol and often beat his wife and daughter. Her mother, a French dancer, taught her to speak French fluently, but her mother died when Becky was eight years old. Beckys father died when she was seventeen and entrusted Becky to Miss Pinkerton before he died. Since then, Becky has been a French teacher at Pinkerton girls school, where she lived until graduation. 2.2.2 Background of AmeliaAmelias father is a rich businessman, and her mother is gentle and virtuous. Although her brother Joseph is hypocritical and cowardly, he also has a place and a certain position in India. Amelia is loved and protected by everyone. On Beckys first visit to Amelias house, Amelia took Becky on an exciting tour of each room, showing her piano, books, clothes, jewelry and all the wonderful gifts her brother Joseph brought back from India. As a child, Amelia, who grew up in a honeypot, has never suffered or understood human suffering. Therefore, she loves a playboy blindly and suffers unimaginable pain.3.Research content3.1 Content distributionThe main purpose of this paper is to explore the significance of female characters at that time and at present by analyzing their images. The female characters analyzed in this paper are Becky Sharp and Amelia Sedley. Based on their family background and living environment, this paper will analyze the reasons for their different personalities and fates. This thesis explores the characters psychology and personalities through comparison, examples and quotes. The research contains introduction, literature review, analysis and conclusion at present. In the introduction part, it concludes the main content of Vanity Fair and main purpose of the research. The background of the book and the two female characters will be stated in the literature review part. Analysis part is in order to make a more comprehensive analysis and summary of Becky and Amelia respectively. The research mainly studies the two female images in the novel from the aspect of the Victorian era and the modern era, and analyzes the generation of women under Thackerays pen. This reason and meanings of these two characteristics are interpreted from the shallow to deep and from one layer to the next. The general summary of the research and the results of character analysis are explained in detail in the last part.This research intends to use the following research methods. First and foremost, literature research. To search and study monographs, doctoral theses, masters theses and related literature on Vanity Fair, and to explore female images in Thackerays novel. Secondly, browse. Browse various websites for relevant information. Thirdly, comparison. By looking up relevant materials, according to certain standards, and find the differences of the two or more things related to the investigation. Through this method, research compares their differences and practical significance by putting the identity backgrounds of Becky and Amelia in the same world view.3.2 Expected resultsThe writers depiction of female images has extensive and profound significance in both the artistic background and the historical scene. This thesis aims to study the realistic significance of the two main female images in Vanity Fair. In combination with the era that Thackeray lived in at that time, this paper analyzes the status of women at that time, cares about females fate and their consciousness. In addition, from the perspective of modernity, these female images bring enlightenment to the readers.However, due to the insufficient reading of domestic and foreign literature, this paper still has many shortcomings. Much of the analysis of personality is based on previous research, with no more breakthrough findings. The paper does not compare and analyze the different characters in other books with more female images. It is hard to explore the shaping of female image more deeply in the pure text analysis.4.ConclusionTo conclude, Thackeray shapes two totally different fates for the heroines, and the two images seek their happiness by their own ways. In fact, Becky and Amelia in Thackerays novel are both typical women representatives in Victorian period. One comes from a humble family and wants to change her destiny through marriage; the other is rich in clothes and food, but loves a playboy who doesnt love her. It is the family environment and social environment that have a great impact on their ideological character and lead to the different fate track. Amelia has the characteristics of Victorian societys demand for women. She is restrained and obedient. Although she finally waited for her happiness, she also suffered from life. This is also the authors satire and reflection on the oppression of women from the society of his time.The readers can see that the author wants to expose the ugliness of the whole bourgeoisie and aristocratic society. In fact, women should be economically independent, no matter what kind of society they live in. They need to have their own occupations and social circles, so that they are not simply stuck in their families and they can live a more colorful life.Works CitedBloom, H. (1987). Modern critical interpretations. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers.Brook, A. (2001). Madness balancing wit: Thackerays life and works. New criterion, 5, 11-19.Cao, L. H. 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