关键词:绿色雨水基础设施道路排水雨水回用Application of green rainwater infrastructure in building water supply and drainageAbstract:Facing the problems of rain and flood caused by urbanization, people begin to reflect on the relationship between urban infrastructure construction and natural environment.Through continuous practice, it is found that the construction of traditional grey rainwater infrastructure (pipe network engineering facilities) is destructive to the natural ecology, and it is not easy to maintain in the later period, and the cost is high.Ecological and sustainable development has become the mainstream trend. Green rainwater infrastructure plays a vital role in restoring the city's benign water cycle, constructing landscape aesthetics and building water supply and drainage.Various scales of green rainwater infrastructure can be expressed in the way of landscape, and there are many relevant cases at home and abroad for reference.Keywords: green rainwater; road drainage;rainwater reuse1. 前言随着城乡一体化进程和建设用地的不断扩张,城市中原有的耕地、林地、湿地等自然透水性下垫面被大量硬化不透水表面所取代,导致地表地理过程以及下垫面景观结构的强烈变化,显著改变了原有的自然生态水文过程,造成地表径流峰值加高、汇流时间缩短、径流总量增大、径流污染物负荷加剧,引发了一系列的水安全、水生态、水环境、水资源、水景观以及水文化等方面的雨洪管理问题,集中表现为:城市内涝频发、河流水质和生态功能退化、水资源严重短缺以及水景观价值显著降低等。
绿色基础设施[1]在场地与建筑尺度上被定义为一种模拟自然水文过程的雨水管理途径,也就是绿色雨水基础设施(Green Storm Infrastructure,简称GSI),其泛指用于雨洪管理领域内的各种绿色生态措施。
在雨水的接收、汇集、输送及排放全过程中对雨水进行管理,在过程中通过蒸发、渗透、蓄流、过滤、净化以及再利用等多种源头控制机制来达到对暴雨所产生的径流和污染物的消减 [2]。
2. 绿色雨水基础(简称GSI)设施绿色雨水基础设施[3]是指一种由诸如林荫街道、湿地、公园、林地、自然植被区等开放空间和自然区域组成的相互联系的网络,能够以自然的方式控制城市雨水径流、减少城市洪涝灾害、控制径流污染、保护水环境。
2.1 绿色雨水基础设施的构成和功能[4]GSI按不同空间尺度可划分为3个层面:1) 宏观层面。