文 献 综 述绿色建筑给排水的节水节能设计摘要:我国所拥有的水资源并不丰富,因此国家对水资源的保护工作非常重视。
对于建筑行业来说,节能环保工作的开展也是非常重要的,而且随着科学技术的持续发展,建筑行业也出现了很多节能环保新技术,其中与绿色建筑给排水相关的节水节能新技术发展迅速,这些新技术的应用有效提升了绿色建筑节能环保的效果 。
Abstract:China is not rich in water resources, so the state attaches great importance to the protection of water resources. With the continuous improvement of national attention to energy conservation and environmental protection, the public also realized the necessity of energy conservation and environmental protection, and energy conservation and environmental protection work has been carried out in all walks of life. For the construction industry, the development of energy conservation and environmental protection is also very important, and with the continuous development of science and technology, there are many new energy conservation and environmental protection technologies in the construction industry, among which the new water-saving and energy-saving technologies related to the water supply and drainage of green buildings have developed rapidly, and the application of these new technologies has effectively improved the effect of energy conservation and environmental protection of green buildings. Based on this, this paper explores the application of new water-saving and energy-saving technologies for water supply and drainage of green buildings.关键词:绿色建筑,节能节水,新技术一、前言绿色建筑是建筑行业发展的一个必然趋势,绿色建筑具有其独特的特点。
在建筑施工时应用环保理念进行施工管理,既能有效地节约材料和能源,同时还增强了对环境的保 护,在施工过程中所造成的污染完全在所在地区生态环境的自净能力范围内。
二、问题以及注意点2.1 给水装置压力过大从我国目前绿色建筑中给排水项目的施工情况和建筑结构上来看,绿色建筑中给排水节水技术中面临的一个重要问题是一些部位的给水压力设置不太合理,在一些绿色建筑的节水设施中出现给水压力大的情况,这就导致了给水设施在给水时会出现因给水压力大而引起浪费水资源的现象,尤其是在用户用水时,这方面的影响特别明显[1]。