美国总统奥巴马演讲语篇的隐喻架构分析A Study of Constructing Metaphorical Framing of the America President Trump’s Speech Discourses文献综述

 2021-11-04 20:59:16


Its a really significant strategy for each nation and district all over the world to constructandcommunicatecorevaluesduringcurrentsituation.Ithelpsimprove national identity and promote international voice and image. After the second world war, the United States has gradually spread national values as the way to strengthen the national identity, cultural expansion, while head of governments political speech as a vital approach to spread values. Politicalspeechisakindofexpressionwithclearlogicandintenselyemotion. Duringthespeech,speakerusemetaphortoframeascene,whichimplyingthe politicaltendency,attitudeandvalues,throughthewords,metaphorandframe trying to persuade listeners and reach agreement. Inthisresearch,wechoosepresidentObamasyourweeklyaddressin2015as research objects, classifying the content into six aspects-they are safety issue, legal issue, environment issue, education issue ,economy issue and medical issue. And try to use metaphor and framing theory to analyze how he construct and spread values through the words. After data collecting and analysis,we find there are two steps to construct and spread values. Step 1 is identifying the metaphor and constructing the surface frame withmetaphorwordswhichincludingnegativefamethatprovethenecessityand positiveframethatprovethepossibility.Step2iscombiningthedifferentsurface fames to stimulate deep fame in peoples mind. We find that safety, fair, protect and empathyarethemostfrequentstimulatedframe.Thereasonwhysafetyandfair have been stimulated is that American people believe that all men are created equal,therighttolife,tobesafearehumansbasicright.Sotheyconcerntheirsafetyand fairshottoaspiresuccess.1. Literature Review1.1Definitions ofmetaphor and frame Cognitive science finds that people think through frame metaphor. Thinking comes out through metaphorical architecture. Architecture expresses viewpoints through language, language, metaphor, and frame which together form the cognitive structure of people. Architecture expresses opinions through language, and it is divided into surface frame and deep frame. The psychological response through vocabulary activation is the superficial structure, and the deep structure constituted by the subject values is also the most fundamental structure. The surface frame mainly includes metaphorical surface frame and non-metaphorical surface frame. Among them, non-metaphorical expressions can be directly classified as non-metaphorical surface structures, and non-metaphorical words can directly activate related structures. For example, "Freedom" can directly activate "Freedom Frame". The frame activated by the metaphorical expression vocabulary becomes the metaphorical surface architecture. For example, the words "destination", "road", "goal", and "forward" appear in the discourse to summarize the "journey structure". These words together form the "journey" scene in the mind, forming the "journey" frame. Deep frame is the values activated by surface frame, which describes the deepest concepts and principles in people's thinking. In political speeches, the speaker's discourse and narrative activate the surface frame, which in turn activates the audience's value judgments and principles. Only when the values expressed by the speaker coincide with the values of the audience's deep structure can they be accepted by the people. In political speeches, the language of politicians activates the frame, which also allows people to associate with it. Positive frame can generate positive associations, and negative frame can generate negative associations, which in turn affects attitudes to factual judgment. 1.2Frame TheoryFrame can be used as both a noun and a verb in English. When used as a noun, it can be explained by "frame", but when frame is used as a verb, it expresses the process of social construction that is developed by language. "Architecture" is used to indicate the dynamic process compared to the stationary "frame". More appropriate. Therefore, in this paper, the expression of "architecture" will be used when it comes to the dynamic process of expression construction. At the same time, the analysis of the social reality process of language construction is called "architecture analysis" in this paper. In 1974, American sociologist goffman applied the concept of "architecture" to communication for the first time in his book "Analysis of Architecture". He used dramatic metaphors to analyze human behavior-life is a performance, and society is a stage. The real thing is not the actual state of the objective world, but the state of the world in people's hearts. It is a subjective definition of a situation. Social life is composed of people's experience gained at a specific moment (Wang, Shaohua 2011). "Frame" is a cognitive structure that guides people to perceive the real existence. Our induction and interpretation of real-life experience all depend on a certain structure (He Xiang, 2009). People incorporate the realistic picture of daily life into the framework in order to understand and reflect social situations. Identifying and understanding practices through frame gives meaning to behaviors that occur in life, otherwise these behaviors and practices have no meaning (Peters, 2003). Goffman defines frame as a cognitive process that people use to recognize and explain social life experiences on the basis of constructivism. Gitlin put forward a clearer definition on this basis. He believes that frame is about the criteria used when choosing between issues such as what is present, what is happening, and what they mean. Frame is a choice and emphasis on selecting specific content and highlighting it in the dissemination text. In this way, the definition, interpretation, and evaluation are formed, which affects the audience's understanding of things (Peters, 2003).1.3 Preview Study on Metaphorical Framing In the last more than two thousand years in human history objectivist rule the area of philosophy and linguistics. The constitutive group have believed that metaphor is not just a mirror reflecting reality but by forming connections in the mind between things to understand the new things, and the conceptual metaphor theory belongs to this (Wodak,R. 2011).Since the Framing Metaphor Theory was put forward, a great number of scholars have been inspired to shift their focus to the cognitive nature of metaphor and have begun to devote themselves to the study of it. However, some study use frame metaphor theory to analyze political discourse from a new perspective, and explores the influence of the structure behind metaphors on the acceptance of political discourse. The research corpus is relatively new, and the results can provide a reference for exploring the metaphorical structure of domestic political discourse. Due to the limited scope of the corpus, the breadth of research needs to be further expanded.1.4Research GapIn the existing literature, there are few studies on the use of political speech as a way of constructing and spreading values, but the public speech of the head of government is an important way to spread values. It is necessary and feasible to study it. This article uses Obama's television speech as an entry point to try to explore Obama's strategy of constructing and disseminating values through his speech. Innovation in research methods. This study uses metaphors and structures to interpret texts. By identifying metaphors and structures in the text, it analyzes layer by layer the way Obama values are constructed and disseminated. Prior to this, there was a lack of research methods on the combination of metaphor and architecture, and this combination was also an attempt to introduce metaphor content in linguistics to communication.ReferencesBougher, L.D. (2012). The case for metaphor in political reasoning and cognition. Political Psychology [J], 33(1),145-163.Cienki, A., Mueller, C. (Eds). (2008). Metaphor and Gesture [C]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.Lakoff, G. (1993). The contemporary theory of metaphor. Metaphor and Thought. (2), 202-251.Lakof,G. (1996/2002). Moral Politics:How Liberals and Conservatives Think. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.Lakoff, G. (2004). Dont Think of an Elephant! Know Your Values and Frame the Debate. Hartford: Chelsea Green Publishing.Lakoff, G. (2008). 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