趋同论视角下《华尔街日报》涉华话语研究A Study of China-related Discourse in the Wall Street Journal from the Perspective of Proximization文献综述

 2021-11-04 20:59:21


News report discourse, as an important form of media discourse, has extremely critical influence on the people in our lives. When reporting on specific social events, news reporters inevitably incorporate their own views and the ideology of the groups which they represent into the report, influencing the audience's perception or decision of specific events in a subtle way. As Weber says, "any authoritative system is trying to establish and cultivate a belief in its own legitimacy"(1947),and undoubtedly, language is an important tool for achieving this purpose. As Van Dijk says, "Cognition is a crucial link between discourse and the society. Hence, it is of much significance that attention should be paid to the psychological activities of language users. "(2014). Proximization is a discursive strategy of projecting the distant entities as gradually encroaching upon the speaker-addressee territory (both physical and ideological), the speaker may attempt to neutralize the growing impact of the negative, foreign, alien, antagonistic, entities (Cap,2014). Nowadays, under the trend of economic globalization, studying the official China-related discourse from the perspective of approaching will help to dig out its hidden discourse strategies and purposes. Whats more, it will help us gain a deeper understanding of Sino-US relations and provides new research perspectives and inspiration. Because China and the United States have disparate ideology and other characteristics, the two sides are especially suitable for proximization analysis. Based on the proximization model, this study intends to analyze the Chinese-related discourses in the Wall Street Journal from January 2, 2016 to December 31, 2016, and from the three dimensions of spatial, temporal and axiological respectively, explore the US attitude and position, and the its building image of China as a nation.1. Literature review1.1 Definitions of proximizationProximization is an important concept of discourse space theory (Chilton, 2010), which was first proposed by Chilton (2004), and then continuously developed by Cap (2006, 2008, 2010), eventually forming a more systematic Cognitive Language Pragmatics Theory (Cap, 2013). Chilton believes that when processing discourse, people often regard themselves as the center of instruction to launch time, space and modal axes,in order to determine the coordinate positions of different external entities related to themselves.Proximization refers to projecting entities (such as events, situations, or ideologies, etc.) in space and time into the physical and psychological spaces of the speakers and the listeners, so that both parties can feel the influence of the entity. Besides, the speakers actively eliminate negative influences or hostile postures of exotic entities to facilitate legitimization of policies or behaviors (Cap, 2014). In other words, the main purpose of using the proximization strategy is to make the speakers acts and strategies legalize, which can in turn neutralize the negative effects from foreign or alien entities.1.2 STA modelProximization is mainly devoted to the study of a forced construal operation of discourse (Cap, 2013), a mechanism which mainly explores how to make listeners perceive that they are under the threats or pressures from the outside world from the lexical and grammatical level ,and make the listeners agree and accept the legalization of preventive measures. As is known to all, threats and pressures both have spatio-temporal or ideological attribute, therefore, proximization can be analyzed from three aspects: time, space and ideology. To this end, Cap (2013: 7) constructed a "spatial-temporal-axiological proximization model" (STA model), which is beneficial to study speakers from cognitive categories such as time, space, and values respectively, researching their strategies of vocabulary and grammar selections, and analyzing how speakers maintain a dynamic, generalized spatiotemporal contexts.1.3 Aspects of proximization1.3.1 Spatial proximization Spatial proximization refers to the process of "approaching" and "violating" by an entity located on the outside deictic-center (ODC) to an internal deictic-center (IDC) entity. In other words, it aims to separate the speaker from the outer part, and to convey the information to the listeners, that is, the external entity is eroding itself as an internal entity, which will adversely affect the internal entity. At this time, verbs or verb phrases are often used.1.3.2 Temporal proximizationTemporal proximization is a conflict of physical presets located at the center of instruction. It is based on the complete or partial time axis of "past-present-future". It leads the listener to review the historical events of the past and then target the current situation, make assumptions about the future (both pros and cons), and show listeners the immense historical impact of these imminent conflicts, thereby encouraging them to take action and respond.1.3.3 Axiological proximizationAxiological proximization refers to the conflicting understanding of the dominant IDC ideology and the ideology represented by ODC in the discourse space, which is passed to the listener on the differences and even conflicts in the values of the internal entity and the external entity. The negative impacts of threats and the threats that existed led the recipients to establish a unified line of defense against external entities, thereby "legalizing" the strategy to be adopted.1.4 Overview of previous modelAs a new concept in the fields of cognitive pragmatics and critical discourse analysis, proximization originated from Chilton's political discourse analysis(2004), and then developed and continuously improved by Cap (2006)and Hart(2010), who formed a more systematic approach to approaching theory. Some scholars abroad have found the approaching characteristics in political discourses such as the Iraq War discourse (Cap, 2008), immigration discourse, and public space discourse in areas such as health, environment, and modern technology. Among them, Cap (2008) proposed six types of lexical and grammatical categories for analyzing legalized discourse when analyzing Bushs speech on the Iraq War, clearly showing the positive and negative effects caused by the convergence of discourses, and this research has laid a good foundation for other scholars to lucubrate further. Besides, domestic research on the theory of approximation has just begun, and the theory still has broad development space. For example, Zhang Tianwei(2016) studied the construction and shaping of the national image of political leaders' discourse system based on the theory of proximization; Yan Bing and Zhang Hui(2018) discussed the adoption of a small corpus of Sino-US trade war discourse based on the Chinese, American and British approach strategy.1.5 Research Gap With more and more Chinese and foreign scholars participating in the construction and application of the approach model, the theoretical framework and research methods of the theory have been further improved, and the scope of application has been continuously expanded. However, most domestic scholars are studying the relationship between countries and their relative attitudes to their counterparts. For example, in the study on Sino-US trade disputes from the perspective of proximization(Yang Cheng,2019),the authors analyze the attitudes of both sides and make some suggestions on the measures the countries should do for a better relationship in the future. There are few studies mainly focuses on the official discourses from other countries about China. Therefore, this article starts from the Chinese-speaking discourse of the Wall Street Journal, and focuses on the US attitude and evaluation of the Chinese side and the Chinese image, to help China find countermeasures and have a better place in the world. Approaching analysis regards cognition as the link between discourse and society, and provides a new perspective for critical discourse analysis. I believe that there is still room for further development in the approaching theory in the near future.ReferencesChilton P. (2004). Analysing Political Discourse: Theory and Practice. London: Routledge.Piotr Cap. (2008). 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第四届全国认知语言学研讨会论文摘要汇编,2006 年 5 月,江苏南京。


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