A Study of the Relationship between English Writing and Self-efficacy of English Majors 英语专业学生英语写作与自我效能感的关系研究文献综述

 2021-11-04 20:59:26


1.Introduction1.1 Research backgroundSelf-efficacy was put forward by the famous American psychologist Bandura in 1970s. Since the mid-1980s, the theory of self-efficacy has gradually been enriched and developed, and more and more researchers have conducted a large number of empirical studies. Bandura (1997) gradually developed motivation theory and put forward expectation-value theory in the development of self-efficacy theory. Human behavior is affected by behavioral consequences and antecedent factors. Consequences of behavior are what we usually call reinforcement. He (1997) believes that even if there is no reinforcement in learning, relevant information can be obtained to form new behaviors, but reinforcement can motivate and maintain behaviors to control and regulate human behavior.With the development of the theory of self-efficacy, people gradually use self-efficacy to reveal all aspects of their studies, life and work. General self-efficacy does not exist because the requirements for abilities and skills which are different in different areas. Therefore, the field research on self-efficacy is derived in different fields, such as the self-efficacy of English writing in the field of English writing.The current research status of self-efficacy in English writing in China mainly includes three aspects (Wang, 2019). The first is English self-efficacy and writing performance. Secondly, English writing self-efficacy and writing anxiety. Finally, the influencing factors of self-efficacy in English writing and ways to improve it. This research is based on previous studies, using questionnaires, interview data analysis, and other methods to analyze the relationship between English writing ability and self-efficacy, so as to improve college students' self-efficacy awareness and to explore ways to improve English writing ability. It also provides some inspiration for college teachers in teaching English writing.1.2 Need for the studyThe English writing can fully reflect the level of English learners. During the writing process, the learners vocabulary and grammar organization ability can be demonstrated, and the language learners logical thinking can be exhibited more. Students majoring in English should pay special attention to improving their English writing ability. English majors generally set writing course for 2-3 semesters from the third years to improve students writing ability.Regarding the improvement of writing ability, most people consider the increase of vocabulary and the reduction of grammatical errors. Little attention is paid to the influence of psychological factors on the improvement of ability. However, numerous studies have shown that self-efficacy affects many aspects on student learning. For example, it affects choice and persistence, whether new behavior are manifested, emotions during activities, and attitudes (Bandura,1997). Following the wake of previous research, it is necessary and valuable both theoretically and practically to further the exploration in this field. Theoretically, this research will provide more data and evidence for future research, especially in English teaching and will also make up for the previous relationship between English writing and self-efficacy. Practically, this research can bring some enlightenment to students' ability to improve their English writing and influence the choice of writing strategies. It brings some enlightenment for teachers to improve teaching quality.1.3 Research purposes and methods From the psychological perspective, this research studies the relationship between English writing and self-efficacy of English majors. By exploring what factors may affect college students English writing ability, it is hoped that this study can provide some inspirations and suggestions for English learners to improve their writing ability. Secondly, it can bring some enlightenment for English majors to improve their English writing ability.This study will use questionnaires and interviews to obtain information on the self-efficacy of English writing. Through literature review and data analysis, the relationship between writing ability and self-efficacy will be obtained. It is also hoped that the result will shed some light on future research and teaching work and students autonomous learning to improve students writing level and ability. 2.Literature review2.1Definitions of Self-efficacySelf-efficacy is put forward by the famous American psychologist Bandura in the 1970s. Since the mid-1980s, the theory of self-efficacy has been enriched and developed and supported by a large number of empirical studies. Bandura sees self-efficacy as the degree to which people can use their skills to accomplish a particular job behavior expectation (Bandura, 1995:2). After the concept was proposed, a great deal of research began to be done in the fields of psychology, sociology and organizational behavior.The research on self-efficacy has also been developed into empirical research, and the research methods of psychology have been applied to the research on pedagogy, so as to give educational researchers a lot of inspirations and play a significant role in improving students' ability. 2.2 Previous studies on self-efficacy formationThe factors influencing the formation of self-efficacy mainly include four aspects: direct experiences, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion and emotion arise (Bandura,1997).Firstly direct experience has the greatest effect on self-efficacy. For example, an individuals experience of success and failure will greatly influence the individuals implementation of the next plan and the attribution of success and failure. Secondly, many people learn from the observations of others. This is a quick and effective way to learn. Ability to learn a great deal in a short time. Thirdly, verbal persuasion has little effect on self-efficacy and is mainly accomplished on the basis of direct experience and vicarious experiences. The last one is emotion arise which reduce or increase the sense of self-efficacy through the emotion arise. Of course there are other factors, such as conditions and so on.2.3 Previous studies on English writing self-efficacySelf-efficacy also affects people's attitudes and emotions when studying, living and working. According to the data collected from the websites of major journals, the research on self-efficacy in English writing before 2010 is mainly focused on the theoretical research on self-efficacy, and there is no theoretical focus on how to improve self-efficacy in English writing. But in recent years the scope of research has gradually narrowed down to the relationship between writing strategies, writing achievements, and self-efficacy. At the same time, certain experiments are used to prove the scientific research results and have certain significance for practice. In recent years, research focuses on English writing self-efficacy and writing achievement, English writing self-efficacy and writing anxiety, factors influencing English writing and self-efficacy and how to improve it. 2.3.1 English writing self-efficacy and writing achievement The research objects are different, including non-English major students, English major students, elementary and middle school students, most of which use empirical research. Non-English major first-year students have an average English writing self-efficacy of less than 3.5 (5-point scale) or 70 (100-point scale), which is generally at an intermediate or lower level (Tang Li Liu, 2013). English majors' overall English writing skills, skills, and task self-efficacy were 3.1 points, 2.896 points, and 3.387 points (5-point scale), which are at a medium level (Gu Li, 2018). Junior high school students' English writing overall, skills, and task self-efficacy were 2.94 points, 2.81 points, and 3.08 points (5-point scale), which are at a relatively low level (Gu Li, 2018). Overall, there is a positive correlation between English writing level and self-efficacy. Although the research objects are different in the research process, there is a certain relationship between English writing and self-efficacy from previous research data. From the research data, the self-efficacy of English writing in China is at a moderate level. The relationship between the two can effectively predict the level of writing.2.3.2 English writing self-efficacy and writing anxiety It can be seen that people are starting to think about self-efficacy in English writing from a psychological perspective. English writing self-efficacy and writing performance were negatively correlated with anxiety, while performance was positively correlated with self-efficacy (Wang, 2010). English writing anxiety significantly affects English writing self-efficacy. The impact of college students' English writing anxiety on writing performance is completely realized through the effect on writing self-efficacy (Li Liu, 2013). In short, there is a negative correlation between English writing self-efficacy and English writing anxiety. English writing self-efficacy plays an intermediary role in the impact of writing anxiety on writing performance. Self-efficacy plays a vital role as a mediator. English writing anxiety will greatly affect English writing performance.2.3.3 How to improve English writing self-efficacyThe research perspective has gradually shifted to how to improve English writing self-efficacy and its influencing factors. Empirical research is mostly used at this research stage. Test subjects were measured before the study began, and then measures were taken to measure. Compare the results of the two measurements to see if there is a significant gap. For example, a comparative study explores the impact of formative evaluation on non-English major sophomores' self-efficacy in writing. Through student self-evaluation and peer evaluation, teachers give positive evaluations to make students feel more confident in English writing, and their self-efficacy has been significantly improved. Correspondingly, writing performance has also been significantly improved (Xia, 2014). The method of measurement has greatly affected the final result. Throughout the research results in recent years, it has been found that: self-evaluation, peer evaluation, and changes in writing strategies can greatly improve the self-efficacy of English writing and thus improve English writing.ReferencesBandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review,84(2),191-215.Bandura, A. (1995). Self-efficacy in changing society. New York: Freeman.Bandura,A . (1997). Self-efficacy:The Exercise of Control. 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