Investigating the Relationship Between English Majors’ Listening Meta-cognitive Awareness and Their Listening Proficiency 英语专业学生听力元认知意识与听力水平的关系研究文献综述

 2021-11-04 20:59:34


Investigating the Relationship between English Majors Metacognition and Their Listening Proficiency英语专业学生元认知意识与听力水平的关系研究Investigating the Relationship between English Majors Metacognition and Their Listening Proficiency英语专业学生元认知意识与听力水平的关系研究1. Introduction1.1 Research backgroundWith the development of society,English plays a crucial role in communication. People have high expectations for college students' English ability,especially listening and speaking ability.Listening is the core skill of second language learning. Moreover,with the deepening of research,a large number of researchers have found that meta-cognition plays an important role in listening(Yu Goh etc, 2002).On the one hand,through relevant empirical studies,Vanderift(2002, 2003, 2005) had explored the influence of improving metacognitive awareness on learners' listening ability and motivation.Goh(2000)had found that high-level listeners showed greater awareness of problems encountered during listening.On the other hand, The research on metacognitive awareness started late in China,and the research on the relationship between listening level and metacognitive awareness still has defects.1.2Need for the studyThe research of this paper has practical and academic significance. On the one hand, if the enhancement of metacognitive awareness has a positive effect on the improvement of listening ability, it will help to support the teaching of second language listening.The research can provide additional support for the introduction of metacognitive awareness teaching in second language listening classes and has practical significance for second language teaching.Therefore, it is necessary to prove the relationship between the use of metacognitive awareness and listening level. On the other hand,studying the relationship between metacognitive awareness and listening level is conducive to cultivating and enhancing metacognitive awareness, so as to improve students' listening level.Last but not least, recognize the relationship between metacognitive awareness and listening level, the two supplement each other to improve students' overall English ability. It has both practical and academic significance. In general, through the exploration of the relationship between listening metacognitive awareness and listening level, the cultivation of students' listening metacognitive awareness will further improve students' listening level.1.2 Research purposeThis study aims to explore the relationship between metacognitive awareness and listening level of English majors. Moreover, this study aims to better understand the relationship between second language listening level and metacognitive awareness,which is of great significance for improving second language classroom teaching. In other words, if enhancing metacognitive awareness can have a positive impact on listening ability, then strengthening the cultivation of students' metacognitive awareness in second language listening class will be beneficial to the teaching process.2. Literature ReviewIn view of previous studies,this paper is guided by the theory of Flavell meta-cognition and Vandergrift et al. (2006),based on MALQ, studied the relationship between Chinese college students' listening metacognitive awareness and their listening level, and explored the relationship between the two.This paper analyzes the possible factors influencing the development of listening comprehension, and tries to provide useful inspiration for improving students' listening comprehension.2.1 Theoretical researches2.1.1 Definitions of metacognitionThe concept of Metacognitive theory was first put forward by American cognitive psychologist Flavell in the 1970s. He believed that metacognition refers to the cognition of cognitive subject on any cognitive process and result,and it is the monitoring and regulation of cognitive subject on its own cognitive process. Metacognition includes metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive experience. Metacognitive knowledge is an individual's understanding of the factors that affect the cognitive process and cognitive results,which consists of three parts: person knowledge, task knowledge and strategic knowledge. Metacognitive experience refers to the perceptual or emotional experience accompanying or subordinate to cognitive activities. In short, metacognition is cognition about cognition(Flavell,1979).2.1.2Definition of listening metacognitive awarenessAccording to Wenden's metacognitive theory of listening, many foreign scholars begin to pay attention to the psychology and consciousness in the process of listening. They found that listening metacognitive knowledge is the core of listening metacognitive activities, which helps listeners to effectively monitor and evaluate the whole process of listening comprehension. Because of the emphasis on mental awareness in the listening process, they put forward the term listening metacognitive awareness(Wenden, 1991).Listening metacognitive awareness is listening metacognitive knowledge. They believe that listening metacognitive awareness refers to the listener's awareness of the process, outcome and related activities of listening. On this basis, some scholars began to carry out empirical research on second language listening metacognitive awareness. According to wenden's definition of listening metacognitive awareness, Wang studies the relationship between students' metacognitive awareness and listening level and has an enlightening effect on English listening teaching(2014).2.2 Emperical researches English listening metacognitive awareness is the listener, listening activities related to hearing process and hearing the results of consciousness(ShiLv, 2008), based on the metacognitive theory of Flavell, Vandergrift(2006) thought that English listening metacognitive awareness consciousness should include the following five aspects: consciousness of subject knowledge,planning,evaluation,concentrated attention,problem solving and translation.Relevant studies have shown that metacognitive awareness of listening is very important,and its level has a great impact on the listening effect (Goh, 2002).Since successful listening comprehension is not only a process of cognitive activity but also a process of metacognitive activity.O 'malley Chamot (1990) first connected metacognitive and listening teaching, which promoted the development of metacognitive strategy research. After that,Goh (1997) used listening diaries to carry out the meta-cognitive analysis of listening. Vandergrift (2003, 2005) in the Listening Metacognitive Awareness of descriptive research and Listening Metacognitive strategy training research will be the basis of second language Listening the combination of theory and practice, inquires into the learners Listening Metacognitive Awareness and the relationship between Listening comprehension ability and motivation, and in a large number of repeated testing, inspection and modification on the basis of design a set of Listening Metacognitive Awareness Questionnaire (Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire, hereinafter referred to as MALQ), It provides scientific quantitative basis for the research and evaluation of metacognitive awareness of listening.Changli(2008)who adopted Vandergrifts definition and classification of metacognitive awareness showed in their research that metacognitive awareness strategy has a significant effect on listening comprehension, so improving metacognitive strategy can improve learners' listening performance.2.3 Problems of previous studiesProblemsIn previous studies, many researchers chose subjects with certain limitations. In their research on consciousness, many of them focus on middle school students and college students, and most of them focus on non-english majors, undergraduates or graduate students, and few of them focus on English majors, and they only investigate the metacognitive awareness of first-year students who have just entered the school. This study aims to study the relationship between metacognitive awareness and listening level of senior English majors (after a long period of professional training) in order to provide some references for future English teaching.ReferencesAnderson, A., Lynch, T. (1988). Listening. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Birjandi, P. (2012). The effect of metacognitive strategy instruction on the listening performance of EFL students. International journal of linguisics, 4(2), 495-517.Chamot, A. U. (1987). The power of learning strategies. Ohio bilingual-multicultural update, (4), 6-11.Flavell, J. H. (1979). 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长沙: 长沙理工学院。

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