
 2021-11-23 22:18:19



Design of processing head of wood harvesting machine

Abstract: With the development of science and technology and the increasing demand for wood, realizing the mechanization automation of forest production,and improving the efficiency of forest production,has become an urgent requirement to meet the demand of supply and the direct embodiment of forestry modernization in a country. Based on the analysis of the present situation of forestry resources in our country, this paper points out that the adoption of modern forestry loggers not only effectively saves cutting manpower and costs, but also directly improves the efficiency of logging production. This paper introduces that foreign research in this field has entered the stage of intelligent application, while our country#39;s research has just started. As a key part of the woodcutting machine, the processing head integrates the functions that required multiple machines to complete.

Key words: wood harvesting, machinery, processing head


据最新统计, 我国现有森林面积为208万km2, 森林覆盖率达到21.66%, 森林蓄积量为151.37亿m3。但是我国森林资源的人均占有量与丰富的总量不成正比关系, 仅为世界平均水平的五分之一, 且资源分布严重不均, 主要集中在东北、西南和南方三大林区, 其他区域森林资源相对比较贫乏[1]。而且存在着林木资源质量普遍偏低,采伐方式相对落后的严重问题。近年来,由于在林木资源方面存在的供需矛盾越发严重,过分追求生产速度,产生的生态问题反而影响了林业资源的质量[2]。随着社会经济的高速发展,人们对木材的需求量越来越大,依靠传统的人工抚育和采伐技术已经不能满足现代林业生产的需要,必须通过机械化来提高生产效率。提高林木资源的生产效率,改进生产方式,减少环境污染势在必行。采用林木采伐机是一种提高采伐作业效率的有效手段。于是对林木采伐机的关键部分——加工头的设计就变得非常重要。

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