
 2021-11-26 22:22:31


森林作为人类重要的资源,人们多用来充当建筑结构材料和装饰材料等。所以取材的工具显得非常重要,工具的使用操作简易程度,效率高低等等都决定着是否会被淘汰。电链锯作为采伐机械具有功率稳定,启动快的优点,而且同等质量的电链锯和油锯相比便宜很多。电链锯经过几十年的发展改善,已经达到高速度 低重量 多功能的水平。成为森林砍伐、造材、修枝等作业中不可或缺的优良机械。现阶段电链锯发展可谓是良苦用心,比如大艺8016的附齿挡片的低反弹,大油量,不漏油,不渗油。牧田UC4551的自动刹车,自动润滑,安全离合。如果说这些就像电脑软件,那类似功率,链速,净重这些就是硬件,在几代人的改良创造下,功率上千瓦,链速每秒上百,质量也是越来越轻。就像那句口号,科技让生活更美好。科技的发展没有终点,电链锯的发展没有结束。


Chain saw design

As an important resource of human beings, forests are mostly used as building structural materials and decorative materials. So it is very important to use the tools. The ease of operation and efficiency of the tools all determine whether they will be eliminated or not. As a cutting machine, chainsaw has the advantages of stable power and fast start-up, and it is much cheaper than chainsaw with the same quality. After decades of development and improvement, electric chain saw has reached the level of high speed, low weight and multi-function. It has become an indispensable fine machinery for deforestation, timber and pruning. At this stage, the development of electric chain saw can be described as good and painstaking, such as the low rebound of Dayi 8016 gear baffle, large oil volume, no oil leakage, no oil seepage. The automatic brake of UC4551 in pasture field, automatic lubrication, safe clutch. If it#39;s like computer software, it#39;s like power, chain speed, net weight. These are hardware. With the improvement of generations, the power is kilowatt, the chain speed is hundreds per second, and the quality is getting lighter and lighter. Like that slogan, technology makes life better. The development of science and technology has no end, and the development of chain saw has no end.

Key wards:chain saw 、cutting machinery、forest harvesting.

  1. 研究的目的及意义:

电链锯作为一种对树枝、木材及类似材料进行切割作业的单人操作的手持式的机械化工具 , 不仅仅很好地替代了原始的单人和双人操作的手工拉锯, 还具有结构简单、价格低廉、操作方便、省力高效等优点, 极大地减轻了劳动强度, 提高了生产效率。因而符合广大林业和园艺工人的需求, 同时也越来越被普通家庭所接受 , 因此具有广阔的发展前景。



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