
 2022-03-10 20:36:58



关键词:路面结构设计 半刚性基层沥青路面 土基回弹模量


With the development of the society, river crab farms are built to be more perfect, but the project is in the road cross the conflict, confusion and old road, can#39;t meet the needs of river crab pond growing problems become the focus and difficulties, some scholars both at home and abroad are based on the literatures, complete the cycle from net river crab farms internal level 3 highway design, This project mainly discusses the engineering background, the significance of design and so on. At the same time, the research status of pavement structure design at home and abroad and the most common problems encountered in this field are also described.

Key words: pavement structure design semi-rigid base asphalt pavement soil foundation resilience modulus


1 论文研究的背景、意义 1

1.1背景 1

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