
 2022-03-11 22:34:15





Design bucket arch embedded based on Cadwork wooden construction application

Abstract:As a important components of traditional Chinese architecture, bucket arch help building make a beautiful shape and a secure structural framework. Its function and appearance was changing with dynastic change. From Western Zhou Dynasty and Warring States Period to Ming and Qing Dynasties, its appearance change from cap block to complex reverse taper and its function transforms structure into decoration. A series of changes reflect culture which is not entirely different among dynasties. There are two systematic standards about bucket archrsquo;s formation, structure and size with the development of bucket arch. One is Song Yingtsao Fashi(Yingzao Fashi), another is Qing LaborDepartnt Engineering Practices Rule. They record the rules about bucket arch at that time in detail to help later generations reseach it. Bucket arch embedded not only can develop timber frame but help traditional timber construction and bucket arch inherit.

Keybords:bucket arch;history;components;value;softwore development.

  1. 斗拱



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