
 2022-03-21 21:24:45





Literature Review


This paper mainly discusses the simple continuous box beam bridge system, as well as its research background, development process, research status of simple continuous box beam bridge system at home and abroad, innovation of bridge construction, summary of existing problems and future prospects. In the rapid process of urbanization today, it is particularly important to establish a smooth traffic network. Contemporary people pursue beautiful and simple bridge type, smooth and fast traffic, which is undoubtedly a great advantage for the promotion of simply supported continuous beam bridge. Due to the relatively simple manufacturing process and convenient installation and construction of simply supported continuous girder bridge, it has been widely used in urban roads. Among them, the simple continuous box beam bridge occupies a large proportion in the urban bridge type with 30-40 meters span, and its proportion is still rising, which is the dominant bridge type in urban traffic construction. This paper also summarizes the research difficulties of simple continuous box beam bridge system, and summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of some simple continuous box beam bridges.

Key words:simple supported-continuous;urban bridge;later-continuous;box-girder

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