
 2022-05-19 22:42:10




Factory design with an annualoutput of 1,00tons curdlan

Abstract:Curdlan, which can be used as a food additive or added directly to food as a component of food, has received increasing attention as a new, healthy and multi-functional food material, and is one of the hottest topics in recent research on microbial polysaccharides. It has been proven to be safe in Japan, the United States, South Korea and other countries, and curdlan is widely used in food, cosmetics, agriculture, forestry, medical and other fields. As the technology continues to mature, the use of curdlan will become more widespread in various industries. The plant design is based on the standard of 100 tons per year of curdlan.

Key words:Curdlan;properties;application;additive

1 热凝胶的概述

1.1 热凝胶的结构


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