
 2022-05-19 22:42:45


摘 要



Preparation and properties of formaldehyde adsorption materials


Formaldehyde is one of the common air pollutants, which has a great negative effect on human body. The release cycle of formaldehyde is very slow (3-15 years), and it is difficult to remove. At present, in the current situation of formaldehyde treatment in China, the commonly used methods of formaldehyde removal are plant method, physical adsorption method and photocatalytic oxidation method. However, the research shows that although these methods do have the ability to remove formaldehyde, there are still many problems. Nowadays, there is still no one method that can be recognized by the scientific community. It can be said that the research of new formaldehyde adsorption materials is still a very promising topic.

Key words:formaldehyde capture agent; hazard; treatment status; development prospect


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