
 2022-05-29 22:53:02




中图分类号:TU366.1;TU366.2 文献标志码:A

Review of experimental research on mechanical properties of Bamboo Reconstituted material

Abstract: Bamboo Reconstituted material is one of the most promising and efficient utilization ways in the future. With the development and application of bamboo, more and more components and even buildings begin to use bamboo composite. Under the action of external load, the joints of these components and buildings often bear large bending moment and shear force, which requires large rigidity to meet the design and use requirements. At this time, the traditional mortise and tenon connection and ordinary pin type metal connection cannot meet the requirements. Bolt connection, tooth plate connection and other connections have the advantages of reliability, beauty and easy installation, and also have higher bearing capacity and better ductility, which have been widely used in the connection of component buildings.The most important part of a connecting component is its nodes.This paper is an overview of the experimental research literature on the mechanical properties of some bamboo connections. Firstly, it introduces the characteristics of this material, and then summarizes the research status of the bamboo connection structure at home and abroad. Then, it lists the connection forms of some bamboo components and summarizes the mechanical properties of the connection components. Finally, it is the purpose and significance of the research and the future research and development Suggestions for the exhibition.

Key word: Bamboo reconstituted timber ; Connecting ; Mechanical properties ; Bearing capacity ; Future Research and development



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