
 2022-05-29 22:53:16



关键词:FRP; 加固; 竹集成材柱; 研究现状; 轴心受压; 破坏形态

中图分类号:TU366.1,TU599 文献标志码:A

Review of experimental literature on Mechanical Properties of FRP bamboo laminated timber under compression

Abstract:Bamboo structure has a long history, is one of the inheritance of ancient Chinese architectural structure. With the construction of Base in China, bamboo structure has become more and more popular, so the development prospect of bamboo structure is worthy of our expectation. As a new type of composite material with excellent physical properties, FRP has many advantages, such as low density, high strength, corrosion resistance, good weather resistance and good deformation performance, to strengthen and strengthen concrete, wood and other such commonly used engineering materials. After reading the relevant literature, it is found that there are many domestic and foreign scholars on FRP reinforced concrete, wood experimental study and give the failure form, theoretical formula. However, there are few studies on the use of FRP for the new building material bamboo Glulam. In this paper, the failure modes of FRP-bamboo laminated columns are studied by axial compression test, which can provide scientific basis for engineering construction.

Key words: FRP strengthen, bamboo laminated columns, research status, axial compression, failure mode

  1. FRP竹集成材简介

1.1 FRP材料性能特点及其分类

FRP是一种应用于结构加固、修复、补强的纤维增强材料[1],FRP是由高性能纤维与合成树脂基体通过特殊工艺成型的复合材料,纤维是其中受力的主要部分,合成树脂基体的作用是将纤维粘结在一起,使纤维共同受作用力[2,3]。根据使用纤维的不同,常用的FRP包括GFRP(Glass Fiber Reinforced Ploymer)、CFRP(Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer)、AFRP(Aramid Fiber Reinforced Polymer)及BFRP(Basalt Fiber Reinforced Ploymer)。

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