杉木赤枯病(Pseudopestalotiopsis sp.)的病原种类多样性分析
杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)是我国最主要的速生用材树种之一,在南方地区广泛分布。但由于造林树种单一,管理粗放,导致杉木林中赤枯病频发。以往曾将该病害统称为杉木赤枯病,但由于林中所见的病害症状复杂且多样,因此,它们可能并非同一种病原菌所致。目前,杉木赤枯病的病原菌类群并没有系统性的研究结果。以前仅把杉木赤枯病的病原菌定为拟盘多毛孢属(Pestalotiopsis)。2014年起,拟盘多毛孢属细分成了三个新属,分别为拟盘多毛孢属(Pestalotiopsis)、假拟盘多毛孢属(Pseudopestalotiopsis)、新拟盘多毛孢属(Neopestalotiopsis)。因此本研究将在我国杉木主要栽培区广泛收集杉木叶枯病的标本,对病原菌进行分类与鉴定,并对其致病性进行测定,明确杉木真菌中引起杉木赤枯病Pseudopestalotiopsis的主要种类,为该病的防治奠定重要基础。
Analysis on the diversity of pathogenic species of Pseudopestalotiopsis sp. on cunninghamia lanceolata
Cunninghamia lanceolata is one of the most important fast-growing wood species in China and widely distributed in southern China. However, due to the single tree species and extensive management, red blight occurred frequently in Chinese fir forests. In the past, this disease has been referred to as cunninghamia lanceolata, but due to the complexity and diversity of disease symptoms, they may not be caused by the same pathogen. At present, there is no systematic research on the pathogenic bacteria of cunninghamia lanceolata. Previously, only the pathogen of cunninghamia lanceolata was identified as Pestalotiopsis. Since 2014, the genus Pestalotiopsis has been subdivided into three new genera: Pestalotiopsis, Pseudopestalotiopsis and Neopestalotiopsis. Therefore, this study will extensively collect the samples of leaf blight of Chinese fir in the main cultivation areas of Chinese fir, classify and identify the pathogens, and determine their pathogenicity, so as to identify the main species of Pseudopestalotiopsis causing Chinese fir blight in Chinese fir fungi, and lay an important foundation for the prevention and treatment of this disease.
key words : cunninghamia lanceolata, Pseudopestalotiopsis,pathogen identification, pathogenicity