
 2022-07-22 12:15:02




本实验研究利用芝麻、玉米、水稻、甘蔗秸秆粉作为增强材料与聚乙烯(PE)通过挤出成型制备玉米秸秆粉体/PE 复合材料的可行性,并改变其添加量与粒径比较力学性能。


Comparative Study on Properties of Different Straw Powder/Polyethylene Composites

ABSTRACT:In this paper, the definition and types of straw (sesame, corn, rice, sugarcane, etc.), the common utilization modes of straw powder (straw as organic fertilizer, straw as feeding, straw as fuel, straw as edible fungi, etc.), the new utilization modes of straw resources (straw container dry moulding, straw wood-plastic composite material, straw board, straw composite wall material, straw fiber, etc.) are introduced. Vitamin ethanol, straw as cushioning packaging materials, corn straw papermaking, straw and polyethylene resin composite preparation, polyethylene overview, polyethylene classification (high density polyethylene, low density polyethylene, linear low density polyethylene), polyethylene development history, domestic and international development status, future development prospects.

The feasibility of using sesame, corn, rice and sugarcane straw powder as reinforcing materials and polyethylene (PE) to prepare corn straw powder/PE composites by extrusion molding was studied, and the mechanical properties of the composites were changed by changing the amount of sesame, corn, rice and sugarcane straw powder.

Keywords: Comprehensive Utilization of Straw;Sesame, Corn, Rice, Sugarcane Straw;High Density Polyethylene, Low Density Polyethylene, Linear Low Density Polyethylene; Composites; Mechanical Properties.


我国秸秆资源丰富,近年来,利用农业残留物(如谷类作物秸秆、稻壳、椰壳、甘蔗皮、花生壳、麻类杆径等) 与塑料制备复合材料得到了国内外相关研究人员的广泛关注[1-5]。充分利用农业剩余物可以有效缓解因缺乏木材资源带来的压力,符合当今全球号召(社会资源节约型、环境友好型)。在利用植物纤维增强材料方面,既往研究涉及到的植物纤维主要有黄麻[6]、苎麻[7]、亚麻[8]等麻类材料,麦壳[9]、麦秸[10]、椰壳[11]等。而在我国,秸秆是主要的农副产物。在传统的农业生产方式中,大部分秸秆被废弃或以不合理的方式(如燃烧)处理,这不仅严重污染了环境,也是浪费了大量物质资源。农作物秸秆是非常宝贵的可再生生物质能源,越来越受到人们的关注,因此秸秆的综合利用,对我国实现节能减排有着非常重要的意义,也是促进农业可持续发展的重要措施,也将对发展生态农业乃至整个农村经济的发展产生深远的意义。

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