
 2022-08-04 09:57:07


摘 要



Overall design of a kind of grass rake


Chinas grasslands is vast, grass resources are rich, but still not get rid of the backwardness of depending natural to feed animals. Due to forage harvesting mechanization level is low, not timely and effective to harvest and store enough of doing so by winter forage supply. As Chinas western development strategy implementation and fulfill the policy of ecological environmental protection, promote the ecological protection and restoration of grassland, promoted the grassland improvement, farmland and grassland, desert control, such as work, coupled with the sharp increase in demand for all kinds of animal products people, it will promote and accelerate the development of forage machinery, promote grass industry to raise the level of mechanization to forage industry become a state, economic and social benefits in one of the new type of integrated industry. Rake will get extensive application and promotion.This article summarized the domestic and foreign research status quo of rake, including horizontal rake, lateral rake, cylinder rake, refers to the wheel rake, rotary rake, analyzed their technical characteristics and working structure, based on this, advances the rake in our country and foreign gap.

Key words:Hay rake; Forage harvesting mechanization; Forage industry;

1 课题研究目的和意义

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