Literature review Hip-Hop is not originated from China, many scholars never stops studying this and keep arguing how to translate that.Many people are promoting the culture. AFRIKA BAMBAATAA is one of these people.He once studied the terminology. We get the name Hip-Hop. Because when your hip hops, you get your groove. Thats Hip-Hop. Thats the original meaning. Edwin Gentzler once put in his> 2013,translation is a marginal activity, not considered as the proper study in university. Sometimes, we cant give one thing a proper translation.Thats quite right in Hip-Hop, because until now, we still cant give a proper name of Hip-Hop. Hip-Hop sounds like 嘻哈, but its a damn stupid translation. Because you dance, you get tired, you breathe like嘻.....哈......There is even no agreed translation of the terminology Hip-Hop. Besides, like the popping, people call it机械舞,Its a fucking damn wrong translation, because popping includes the robot dance. So why does many people and even official newspapers or magazines use the wrong translation. The answer is quite obvious, there is no official translation of this Hip-Hop terminology.Roman Jakbosonsbook > (2012)talks about inter-lingual translation which means using one language to interprets another language. For example, we use Chinese to translate American language. In breaking dance, we get a terminology Windmill and the translation is 风车. Thats the connection between Chinese and English.A famous Internet Application BBoy JAM raises many terminology, like 1990s, 2000s in 2015, 3rd of March. We can not give a proper translation to that. Actually, the 1990s and 2000s moves are just named by the time they are created. The 1990s means spinning with one hand. 2000s means spinning with two hands. So the translation is 单手转双手转.That reflects how hardhow causal the translation of Hip-Hop terminology is. Mr Evo and B boy Danny from Caster Crew once said in the Caster Public Showcase in 2014 : Hip-Hop terminology has many characteristics In China, which is quite different from other countries. Because culture and belief are big factors effecting the translation. They are the representation of Hip-Hop in China and real old generation in China. One from Electric Boogaloo, another one is from Zulu King Nation. The best Hip-Hop crew in the world. Herbert Haag. Research in Sport PedagogyOne Field of Theoretical Study in the Science of Sport[J]. International Review of Education.1989(1). Sports did has some similarities with Hip-Hop, because they are all motions needed. Actually, sports translation is quite standard than Hip-Hop, anyway sports is more popular than Hip-Hop in the world. Yang Fang,Translation of Sports terminology and culture exchange [J],sports culture magazine, 2004(05): 47-48. Culture exchange did effect the translation. In Hip-Hop terminology, we get a noun Flare, the translation is Thomas. Because the move is quite similar to sports move Thomas. Thats how we get the translation of Flare.
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