On Translation of Sports News Reports from the Perspective of Skopos Theory 目的论关照下的体育新闻翻译文献综述

 2021-10-12 22:19:49


We may find huge number of books and articles discussing how to conduct good pieces of translation as there are many researches on sport news. However, the amount of study on the translation of sport news is limited. Through the search on the CNKI, Wikipedia, etc, the author finds several papers discussing the skoposthorie and sport news translation.The definition of skopostheorie is varied, but it mainly focuses on translation as an activity with an aim or purpose. Traditionally, translation is an expression of meaning in one language (target) that has the closest natural equivalence of another language (source). That is to say, when conducting a translation, the equivalence of meaning is considered as the first priority. The purpose is lower than the equivalence-based practices. However, from the perspective of skopothrotie, translation is conducted with some intended purpose of the translator or catering for the needs of the reader. It is the translator, rather than the source itself, turns into an offer of information (Christ Nord, 2001). Sport news is one of the branches of news industry and it is often divided into four major forms: straight news, sport feature, in-depth reporting, and sport column. Straight news, another name being sport news story, tells audience and readers briefly what has happened in the ongoing world of sport. Sport feature has a wider range of themes, reports on basically everything around sport would be mentioned. In-depth reporting means to report not just the target itself (this target, which is not the target in target language, means the people and things which are directly involved in the news and being reported), but to further the extra news, as it is the news commenting on other straight news, especially comments that are interrelated and correlated to the news target. The last form of sport news, sports column is the place where journalists, reporters and commenters make comments, take judgments, write critics, have debates and arguments with their colleagues or sport fans. It allows people who are indulged in making sport columns to take the priority to have their own creative expression and personal opinion that would not be tolerated in any kind of story.(Bell, 1991). A large number of scholars (Crystal and Derek, 1983, Mencher, 1987; Wenner, 1998) have researched and studied stylistic sport news. Some scholars (Crystal and Derek, 1983; Ferguson, 1969) studied the specific sport language wording in sport news. However, the sphere of their study is strictly delimited merely to oral materials such as radio broadcasting and TV live commentaries, yet the writing materials such as newspaper column is not among their studies. Mencher (1987) provided a particular skill for the writings of sports journalists. Ghadessy (1988) introduced to us more advanced techniques on sports language from linguistic and computer perspective.The author finds rather limited materials of studies on sports news translation done by Chinese scholar. After searching on CNKI, (http://epub.cnki.net/kns/brief/default_result.aspx) the author finds ten theses on sport news translation. Moreover, these theses are only limited in discussing word selecting, and translation of titles, rather than in-depth study on context and cultural attachments, etc. that are more vital in translating sport news. However, some sparkling wisdom and inspiration could still be found among them.Hao Qin (2004) writes in her thesis that on being a good sport news translator, one should not just translate the hard part of the information, but also some unique characteristics of sport news such as the background knowledge, emotion atmosphere in order to meet the fans favor. Moreover, she believes that how to choose the best word with the exact meaning is the main factor deciding whether the news is on top level or just an average one. Meng Lianfeng and Wei Jianjun (1997) also believe sports translation is not just information-oriented but also reader-oriented. It is an obligated duty for reporters to attract readers attention. Words for sport news must meet the standards such as being brief, accurate, vivid and sharp. Han Ziman (2007) holds the opinion that by understanding the features on English sport news vocabulary, people can have a better understanding on English sport news. Hu Bing and Liang Wen (2005) are convinced that since there exist many idioms and proverbs about English sport news, a good command of English is very important for an English translator.
