
 2022-05-23 20:51:25



关键词: 醋酸纳米纤维素;聚二甲基硅氧烷;电纺纤维;溶液浸渍

Study on flexible PDMS Composites

ABSTRACT: PDMS has good light transmittance, biocompatibility and chemical resistance, but it has the problems of poor mechanical properties and minimal strength. In order to expand its application, it is necessary to strengthen it and modify it with electrospun fiber. In this paper, the preparation and characterization of PDMS / electrospun CA nanofiber composites are reviewed. The effects of different spinning conditions, such as spinning temperature, voltage and receiving distance, on the fiber diameter were investigated by electrospinning. In this paper, the CA felt obtained by electrospinning is dipped into PDMS, and the composite material is vacuumized, dried and solidified to obtain the fiber composite material. By testing physical mechanics, electrospun CA nanofibers can improve the strength and tear resistance of flexible PDMS.

Key words: nano cellulose acetate; polydimethylsiloxane; electrospun fiber; solution impregnation


聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)是一种直链状、大分子量的橡胶态聚合物,常常被称作“硅橡胶”。PDMS分子中的Si-O-Si键角变化范围大,分子链呈螺旋结构。这样的结构使PDMS具有良好的疏水和亲有机性、化学稳定性、耐溶剂性及耐温性。[1]聚二甲基硅氧烷 (PDMS) 交联后具有三维网状结构, 结晶度较小, 且化学性质非常稳定, 并有良好的成膜性。但本身机械强度较差, 单独成膜易破损。[2]

静电纺丝所得到的纤维比常规方法得到的纤维细度小,直径分布也很广、跨度很大,得到的纤维具有高长径比的优点,且所纺纤维具有连续性结构,因此其织造膜具有超高的比表面积和孔隙率。将静电纺丝CA纳米纤维膜浸渍在PDMS中得到复合材料, 利用电纺CA纳米纤维与柔性PDMS复合,并测试物理力学,实现电纺CA纳米纤维提高柔性PDMS的强度和抗撕裂性能,可以结合二者的优点。

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