
 2022-04-25 22:29:11






Literatures Review


In 1909, American Baekeland made the first completely synthetic plastic in human history with phenol and formaldehyde- phenolic resin. Also known as Baekeland plastic. After a hundred years of development, plastic has become an indispensable item in life and production due to its light weight, high strength, good chemical stability and other excellent properties. However, with the continuous growth of the global population, the demand for synthetic food packaging is also growing. The Non degradable plastic packaging poses a severe challenge to the global ecological environment. Plastic products make up nine of the top ten garbage categories in the world.

Starch (st), as an abundant polysaccharide on the earth, is an important raw material for the preparation of degradable plastics. It has many advantages, such as wide source, low price, edible and biodegradable. However, the processing performance of natural starch is poor, so it canrsquo;t be used as a single polymer material for thermoplastic processing such as melt extrusion. Therefore, it is usually necessary to process and modify starch to make its performance meet the use requirements.

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