
 2021-12-16 22:28:47



工作意义(Meaningful work)最早因被认为是提高工作动机的关键心理状态之一而受到关注(Hackman 双刃剑(Bunderson 通过工作实现自我以及能够说明自己工作的价值两种积极意义的潜在来源,并鼓励学术领域与实践领域对新的意义来源进行探索(Lepisto 工作意义概念、影响与研究框架[J].心理研究, 2017(02): 56-66.[8] Lips-Wiersma M , Morris L . Discriminating between meaningful work and the management of meaning[J]. Journal of Business Ethics, 2009, 88(3): 491-511.[9] Lysova E I , Allan B A , Dik B J , Duffy R D , Steger M F . Fostering meaningful work in organizations: A multi-level review and integration[J]. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2019, 11(2): 374-389.[10] Bunderson J S , Thompson J A . The call of the wild: Zookeepers, callings, and the double-edged sword of deeply meaningful work[J]. Administrative Science Quarterly, 2009, 54(1): 32-57.[11] Lepisto D A , Pratt M G . Meaningful work as realization and justification: Toward a dual conceptualization[J]. Organizational Psychology Review, 2017, 7(2): 99-121.[12] Bailey C , Lips-Wiersma M , Madden A , Yeoman R , Thompson M , Chalofsky N . The five paradoxes of meaningful work: Introduction to the special issue 'Meaningful work: Prospects for the 21st century'[J]. Journal of Management Studies, 2018, 56(3): 481-499.[13] 尚玉钒,马娇.工作意义的变迁研究[J].管理学家(学术版), 2011(03): 59-67.[14] 黎金荣.新生代产业工人工作意义构建策略研究以A汽车企业管理实践为例[J].中国人力资源开发, 2016(19): 21-27.[15] 华育葵.基于工作意义视角的新生代员工工作动力机制研究[J].科技视界, 2019(21): 229-230.

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