
 2022-03-16 22:58:18


摘 要



In situ Gelation of Nanocellulose by Streptococcus zooepidemicus in Mid-fermentation Period


Nanocellulose, as a new biomass nanomaterial, has been proved to be a promising self-assembled hydrogels or bio-based nanocellulose fillers. Hyaluronic acid is widely used in medicine and cosmetics industry because of its strong water retention ability. Hydrogels are a kind of polymer materials with three-dimensional network structure made of synthetic polymers and natural polymers. Due to their high water content and high elastic behavior, hydrogels have been widely used in tissue filling materials, drug carriers, cartilage regeneration, wound dressings and environmental adsorbents. Hyaluronic acid and nanocellulose can be combined to produce green, safe, healthy and non-toxic new hydrogel composites. With Streptococcus zooepidemicus as inducer, two products of hyaluronic acid and lactic acid were produced simultaneously during fermentation. At this time, nano-cellulose could be added to form gel under biological action. Infrared, SEM, XRD, rheology and other aspects of the gel were tested to explore the best conditions for the fermentation of nano-cellulose and Streptococcus zooepidemicus.

Keywords:Nanocellulose;HA;Water gel;application

目 录

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