- 文献综述(或调研报告):
- Jain和Seung提出使用卷积神经网络(concolutional neural networks,CNNs)实现图像去噪。他们认为CNNS与马尔科夫随机场(Markov Random Field,MRF)模型相比效果更佳[2]。
- 多层感知器(Multi-layer perception,MLP)成功应用于图像去噪[3]。
- 堆叠稀疏去噪自动编码器(stacked sparse denoising auto-encoders)去高斯噪声,达到了可与K-奇异值分解(K-singular value decomposition,K-SVD)匹敌的效果[4][5]。
- 可训练的非线性反应扩散(trainable nonlinear reaction diffusioin,TNRD)模型通过展开一定数量的梯度下降推断步骤可以表达为一个前馈式深度网络(feed-forward deep network)[6]。
- Dabov K, Foi A, Katkovnik V, et al. Image denoising by sparse 3-D transform-domain collaborative filtering[J]. IEEE Transactions on image processing, 2007, 16(8): 2080-2095.
- Jain V, Seung S. Natural image denoising with convolutional networks[C]//Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2009: 769-776.
- Burger H C, Schuler C J, Harmeling S. Image denoising: Can plain neural networks compete with BM3D?[C]//Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2012 IEEE Conference on. IEEE, 2012: 2392-2399.
- Xie J, Xu L, Chen E. Image denoising and inpainting with deep neural networks[C]//Advances in neural information processing systems. 2012: 341-349.
- Elad M, Aharon M. Image denoising via sparse and redundant representations over learned dictionaries[J]. IEEE Transactions on Image processing, 2006, 15(12): 3736-3745.
- Chen Y, Pock T. Trainable nonlinear reaction diffusion: A flexible framework for fast and effective image restoration[J]. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 2017, 39(6): 1256-1272.
- Goodfellow I, Pouget-Abadie J, Mirza M, et al. Generative adversarial nets[C]//Advances in neural information processing systems. 2014: 2672-2680.
- Ledig C, Theis L, Huszaacute;r F, et al. Photo-realistic single image super-resolution using a generative adversarial network[J]. arXiv preprint, 2016.
- Zhang K, Zuo W, Chen Y, et al. Beyond a gaussian denoiser: Residual learning of deep cnn for image denoising[J]. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2017, 26(7): 3142-3155.
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