Research Progress on salt tolerance of rice
Abstract: Soil salinization affects the yield of rice and is one of the main factors restricting the development of global rice production. Improving the salt tolerance of rice is a necessary means to achieve high and excellent yield, and it is also a necessary research direction to alleviate the pressure of food supply at this stage. Starting with the regulation mechanism of rice salt tolerance, this study combed the research status of rice salt tolerance in recent years, and summarized the osmotic regulation, antioxidant regulation, stomatal regulation and related factors involved in salt stress response. In the current research, although great progress has been made in the research of rice salt tolerance, the salt tolerance response of rice is a complex regulatory system, and there are still many problems to be solved.
Key words: Oryza sativa L.; Salt resistance; Osmotic adjustment; Transcription factors; active oxygen
土壤盐碱化是一个普遍存在的问题,是影响全球粮食生产、威胁粮食安全的主要非生物制约因素。在盐分条件下,植物的生长发育和产量都会受到不同程度的抑制。水稻(Oryza sativa L.)是全球最重要的粮食作物之一,然而,水稻是一种糖质植物,对盐分非常敏感,盐分会导致水稻在形态、生理、生化和分子水平上发生一些不利的变化,从而导致生物量和籽粒产量的下降。与此同时,随着全球人口的逐年增长,水稻耐盐性相关机理研究和耐盐品种的培育与商业化刻不容缓。盐分对水稻的影响可分为两个阶段,即在植株发育初期渗透效应迅速抑制植株生长和出现盐害症状时植株对盐胁迫反应的第二个缓慢阶段。光合作用和色素产生的破坏、膜透性和完整性的破坏、膜上Na /K 的平衡和活性氧的产生导致氧化损伤是水稻生理水平上的主要反应[1]。因此,提高水稻的耐盐性是实现高产优产的必要手段且是现阶段缓解粮食供应压力的必要研究方向。
1.1 渗透调节