Abstract: The cell wall of the wheat aleurone layer is a composite multilayer structure which is made up of two kinds of polysaccharides: Arabiaxylan (AX), (1,3)(1,4)-beta;-glucan. The cell wall component changes during wheat growth. But the role of changes, and its effect on the yield and quality of wheats have not been understood until now. In order to simulate the cell wall structure of the wheat aleurone layer in vitro, two kinds of AX and BG polysaccharides were used to produce three kinds of multilayer films: AX multilayer, AX/BG composite multilayer and BG multilayer. At the same time, the water absorption rate, drying rate, water content and the NMR transverse relaxation time T2 in the process of water absorption and drying were measured, and the internal water phase states will be distinguished according to the difference of transverse relaxation time T2 after inversion.By comparing the water absorption rate, drying rate, water content and the peak area of each water phase state of different layers, the water diffusion and distribution state of different layers can be studied, so as to infer the influence of aleurone cell wall on the water distribution state.
Keywords: Wheat; Cell wall; Arabiaxylan; (1,3)(1,4)-beta;-glucan; Hydration properties
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