
 2022-02-21 20:27:29



关键词: 青钱柳、饼干、工厂设计


As a peculiar tree species in China, Cymbidium aureum is not only valuable as a wood and ornamental plant. Because it is rich in many natural active substances, such as polysaccharides, flavonoids, terpenoids and other organic substances, as well as magnesium, zinc, potassium and other mineral elements required by the human body, Cyclocarya serrata has the effects of lowering blood sugar, blood pressure, and blood lipids. Based on the concept of 'protecting the environment and saving resources', and combining the characteristics of the green willow, this design uses the green willow residue after the extraction of polysaccharides to make biscuits to design the green willow biscuit factory. Through this design, we will make full use of the green willow, expand the consumer group of the green willow, increase the value of the green willow, and open up the green willow market.

Key words: Cyclocarya paliurus; Biscuit; Factory Design

1 青钱柳的概述

青钱柳( Cyclocarya paliurus. )别名摇钱树、麻柳、山沟树、青钱李、山麻柳等,属于冰川四纪幸存下来的珍稀树种。青钱柳的树木高大挺拔,形状像柳树,它的果实像一串串的古铜钱,一般约10 个果实串生在一起,层层叠叠, 颜色碧绿, 故名“青钱柳”[1][1],果实一般从10月至第二年5月都挂在树上,看起来别具一格,具有很高的风景观赏价值。

青钱柳为胡桃科青钱柳属乔木植物,是青钱柳属单种植物,为我国特有种。据《中国中药志要》记载, 其树皮 、树叶具有清热解毒, 止痛功能, 有治疗顽癣等功效[2][2],所以经常被用来作为药物使用。其中青钱柳的叶片甘甜滋润,民间以嫩叶制茶已有多年的历史,青钱柳中含有多种对人体有益的物质,起到了降血糖和降血压等作用[3][3]。青钱柳的分布范围也很广泛, 天然分布于安徽、江苏、浙江、江西、福建、台湾、广东、广西、陕西南部、湖南、湖北、四川、贵州、云南东南部[4][4], 有利于在全国境内不同的地区进行原料的采集,以及后期的加工、运输。

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