Biodegradation of ginkgotoxin and its effect on nutritional and functional components of Ginkgo biloba seeds
Abstract: Ginkgo biloba seed is the dry and mature seed of Ginkgo biloba L. Ginkgo biloba seeds can be used as food and medicine prescribed by Chinarsquo;s Ministry of Health. Ginkgo biloba seeds not only have good value as food and medicine, but also have a variety of functions including anti-oxidation, anti-bacterial, anti-tumor, improvement of immunity and treatment of cardiovascular disease. However, Ginkgo biloba seeds also contain toxic components and eating too many may cause emesis, epilepsy or even death. The poisonous substances significantly restrict the development of Ginkgo biloba seeds processing industry, resulting in a great waste of Ginkgo biloba seeds resource. This paper mainly introduces the nutritional and functional components, actuality of products processing, toxic and sensitized components and detoxification technology of Ginkgo biloba seeds.
Key words: Ginkgo biloba seeds; Toxic components; Detoxification
1 白果概述
1.1 白果简介
银杏(Ginkgo biloba L.)为多年生落叶乔木,是中国的古老珍贵树种之一,最早出现在3亿年前(二叠纪时期),有“活化石”之称[1]。白果(Ginkgo biloba seed)是银杏的干燥成熟种子,又名鸭脚子、灵眼、佛指柑,成熟时呈橙黄色或淡黄色,形状为近球形或椭圆形,由肉质外种皮、骨质中种皮、膜质内种皮、胚乳、胚芽组成(具体结构如图1所示)。白果营养价值和药用价值极高,于1992年被我国卫生部列为“药食两用”资源,其不仅含有淀粉、蛋白质、脂肪及钙、磷、铁、硒等营养成分,还含有银杏黄酮、银杏萜内酯、银杏酚酸等功能成分。白果的药理作用最早记载于元代的《日用本草》,李时珍在《本草纲目》中亦记载:“银杏,气薄、味厚,性涩而收。熟食,温肺益气,定咳喘,缩小便,止白浊;生食,降痰解酒,消毒杀虫。嚼浆,涂鼻面手足,去鼻疽黑干暗皴皱,及疥癣疳阴虱”。现代研究也表明白果含有多种活性物质,具有抗氧化、抗菌、抗肿瘤、提高免疫力、治疗心血管的作用,在改善记忆、疏通血管、治疗老年痴呆及精神分裂症等方面也有显著疗效。