[摘 要] 目的 观察麝香保心丸治疗心绞痛的临床效果。
方法 抽取本院于2016年6月~2017年6月期间接收的82例心绞痛患者,对照组实施常规西药,观察组实施麝香保心丸。
结果 观察组与对照组在血脂水平变化的对比差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
结论 麝香保心丸可以改善患者的血脂水平,提高患者的治疗效果和生活质量。
[关键词] 麝香保心丸;心绞痛;临床效果Abstract: Objective To observe the clinical effects of Shexiang Baoxin Pill in the treatment of angina pectoris. Methods Eighty-eight cases of angina pectoris received during the period from June 2016 to June 2017 in this hospital were selected. The control group was given conventional western medicine, and the observation group was administered with Luzhou Baoxin Pill. Results The difference in serum lipid levels between the observation group and the control group was statistically significant (Plt;0.05). the='' difference='' in='' the='' total='' effective='' rate='' between='' the='' observation='' group='' and='' the='' control='' group='' was='' statistically='' significant=''gt;lt;0.05). conclusion='' shexiang='' baoxin='' pill='' can='' improve='' the='' blood='' lipid='' level='' of='' patients='' and='' improve='' the='' treatment='' effect='' and='' quality='' of='' life='' of='' patients.='' key='' words:='' shexiang='' baoxin='' pill;='' angina='' pectoris;='' clinical='' effect='' 一、麝香保心丸可以改善患者的血脂水平='' 都万卿研究中认为心绞痛是临床中常见的内科疾病,是中老年人群常见性、多发性的后天心脏疾病。