
 2023-03-09 17:29:38




Mechanisms of Th cell-mediated immune regulation

Abstract:Th cells are T helper cells, they play an important regulative role in pecific immunity and nonspecific immunity of the body and can secrete a variety of cytokine- s, regulate the bodys immune response. They are also a class of immune cells which can help B cells to produce antibodies and promote other T cellsdifferentiation. Th cells are classified according to the function, including Th0, Th1, Th2, Th3, Th17 and Tfh cells which have been recently discovered etc., Th1, Th2, Th3, Th17 cells are different Th cells subsets from Th0 cellsdifferentiation. Th cells are mainly divided into two kinds of Th1 cells and Th2 cells, Th1 cells involved in immune inflammation and delayed hypersensitivity reaction; Th2 cells can assist B cells differentiation into antibody secretory cells, involved in the humoral immune response. Th cells can differentiate and convert each other for immune regulation.

Key wordsTh cells;Immune regulation; Mechanism

T细胞即T淋巴细胞,是由胸腺内的淋巴干细胞分化而成,是淋巴细胞中数量最多、功能最复杂的一类细胞。T细胞膜表面分子与T细胞的功能相关,用以分离 、鉴定不同亚群的T细胞。按免疫应答中的功能不同可以分为协助细胞免疫和体液免疫功能的辅助性T细胞( helper T cell,Th) 、具有杀伤靶细胞功能的细胞毒性T细胞( CTL)、负责调节机体免疫反应的调节性T细胞( Treg)[1]。Th细胞对免疫的调节起着重要作用,可以分泌多种细胞因子,调节机体的免疫应答。本文综述了各种Th细胞介导的免疫调控机制。


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