
 2022-03-10 21:48:19





关键词:林业特色产品电子商务 推荐系统 协同过滤

THEME:Design of forestry characteristic product recommendation system

Abstract: With the continuous popularization of the network, the network resources are increasingly rich, and the amount of network information is gradually expanding. Users have to choose the information they really need from many choices, just like looking for a needle in a haystack, which leads to the so-called 'information overload' phenomenon. Information overload refers to the situation that social information exceeds the range that individuals or systems can accept, process or effectively use, and leads to failure. The emergence of personalized recommendation system is to solve the problem of information overload, help consumers find the products they need in the vast number of products, and provide consumers with personalized shopping experience. Personalized recommendation system is becoming more and more popular among users, as well as more and more scholars and e-commerce websites.

Personalized recommendation can be used as a means of network marketing, which can bring huge benefits to e-commerce websites. The goal of personalized recommendation is to recommend new products to target users according to the views of users with similar preferences. Personalized products can be recommended to users. It can be imagined that for users, if you open the link of the website and log in, you can find the goods you like, which will save a lot of time and energy to browse the web page, and such a website will be favored by users. A good personalized recommendation system can provide convenience for users, and then, make users and websites have better adhesion, improve the market competitiveness of e-commerce websites.

Among many personalized recommendation algorithms, collaborative filtering is widely used and the most successful recommendation algorithm. This paper aims to study the application of Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithm in the personalized product recommendation of forestry products e-commerce. As one of the driving forces to promote the development of local forestry economy, forestry characteristic products need an excellent recommendation system for forestry featured products to play their own functions. For example, using recommended products to increase the sales quantity of products, selling more products of different categories, increasing user satisfaction and loyalty, and at the same time, the recommendation system can better understand the user needs and collect data It is also convenient for administrators to make better improvements.

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