
 2022-07-15 14:54:24



关键词:SpringMVC web应用 简历管理

THEME:Resume management system based on SpringMVC

Abstract: With the rapid development of Internet technology and cloud technology, many traditional working models are facing changes. Internet and cloud technologies are increasingly used, and technology is becoming more mature. The Java language is being used by more and more people for its superiority in the architecture and performance of web applications. Among them, the SpringMVC framework is the most widely known and the most basic. Applying SpringMVC to corporate resume system management is especially necessary in the face of frequent resume and management of employees in outsourcing companies. Faster resume updates, as well as resume screening and management, have positive implications for outsourcing consulting firms to optimize business models, optimize employee information management, and optimize customer experience. This article will combine the JavaEE technology and the Devops tool chain to build a resume management system based on SpringMVC to meet the actual requirements of the company for employee resume management. This paper proposes the research goal and content of the resume management system based on SpringMVC by analyzing the internal employee resume management and the rapid development of javaweb application. In order to reduce the trouble of corporate employee resume management, develop a resume management system based on SpringMVC.

Keywords:SpringMVC web application resume management



本毕业设计开发一款基于SpringMvc的简历管理系统,在前端使用bootsharp 框架技术,sweetalert插件来做弹窗优化处理,运用到jQuery,ajax,json 做前后端数据交互,后端运用到POI技术进行Word、ppt、pdf相关操作,以及基于SMPT POP3协议的邮件功能,设置定时触发器;数据层运用mybatis框架,使用MySQL数据库。运用maven作为项目目录管理工具,运用到spring的事务控制。使用Git进行代码集成管理。使用sonarqube 作为代码质量扫描工具,运用到Selenium自动化测试,使用java语言开发。还有 Jenkins的运用,作为devops工具链一键编译、测试、部署的平台。通过Web应用实现员工简历的定期更新,以及员工简历的筛选,能够更加高效的挑选出符合客户需求的专业人才,并通过邮件进行通知,从而帮助企业提高业务效率。

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