
 2022-03-18 21:51:16


摘要: 我国是陶瓷日用品生产大国,目前大多数茶具都是陶瓷产品。但是市面大多数茶具包装都是采用发泡塑料作为内部包装的缓冲材料,以及过度包装和包装材料的浪费。所以选用绿色环保的包装材料和改进现有的套装茶具的包装结构,对茶文化的传承与传播是至关重要,更能激发消费者的购买欲。



The traditional packaging only has the simple function of protecting products. With the progress of science and technology and the development of society, the function of packaging becomes more and more abundant, and the shape of packaging is also very diversified. Many consumers also begin to pay attention to the added value of packaging. For example, the storage function of packaging can not only reduce the waste of space, but also prevent the packaging from becoming a one-time packaging. After consumers purchase, the packaging is usually discarded or stacked in the storage room, which not only causes space waste but also makes it a one-time packaging. Taking the shoebox as an example, by improving its packaging structure, a green packaging with exhibiting and secondary utilization was designed.

Keywords: Packaging design; Packaging structure;Exhibiting; Green packaging




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