SI BAI DEI Tangshan bone bowls packaging structure improvement and design
Abstract:China is a major producer of ceramics, also is the main producer of bone China, but not production power, the price is not high also. Analysis of this kind of situation, in addition to the cause of the product itself, another important reason is the problem of product packaging. Bone bowls consumers now are mostly high consumption and pay attention to the cultivation of body and mind of people, therefore, in the packaging is according to these people, pay attention to the quality of the transmission and reflect. In addition, the bone bowls with characteristic is fragile, so, for the package structure of bone porcelain has higher request about the protection function of bone bowls. If you really understand the advantages and disadvantages of bone China products, design with Chinese characteristics and reflect the characteristics of the era of bone China packaging, injected new spirit and energy to the bone China culture, to promote the development of bone porcelain industry in China, to make our country power production and sales of bone porcelain products.
关键词:骨瓷碗 易碎 骨瓷包装 保护功能
骨瓷,是1794年由英国人发明的,是世界上唯一由西方人发明的瓷种,英文名称Bone China,是世界上公认的最高档瓷器。因在其黏土中加入牛、羊等食草动物骨灰(以牛骨粉为佳),经过高温素烧和低温釉烧两次烧制而得名。骨瓷特点:有薄如纸、白如玉、明如镜、声如磬的美称,呈现出与普通瓷器不一样的质感和亮度,浑身散发着贵族的高贵气质。几百年来,骨瓷产品一直都为陶瓷中的极品,长期是英国皇家贵族的专用瓷,备受推崇。兼有使用和艺术的双重价值,是权利和地位的象征,号称瓷器之王。【1】在陶瓷餐具的流通环节中,引起破损的因素主要是在运输环节和装卸搬运环节中。运输的过程中受运输工具和路面质量因素的制约,随着运输路面质量的改善,由运输因素造成的破损逐年下降。【2】
唐山是名副其实的中国北方瓷都,在1964年就开始了骨质瓷的研制工作,并于1973年获得成功。 唐山骨瓷是世界公认的最高档的瓷种,该地生产的骨瓷属中国首创,填补了中国高档瓷生产的空白,开创了中国骨质瓷发展的纪元。该地生产的骨瓷主要销往英国、美国、澳大利亚多个国家。