
 2021-11-22 21:35:37


摘 要



Overall structure design of high ground self - propelled variable atomizer


In recent years, with the adjustment of China#39;s agricultural industrial structure, the large-scale planting industry chain based on cooperatives is taking shape, and the development of agricultural mechanization has ushered in a golden opportunity. As an important agricultural plant protection machinery, the upland gap self-propelled variable sprayer plays an important role in the chemical control of crop diseases, insect pests and weeds. It is especially effective in solving the problems of difficult application and poor control effect in middle and late stage of high stem crops. However, limited by the technical level, at present, the domestic highland gap self-propelled variable sprayer generally has the problems of simple mechanical structure design, low application efficiency, long time consuming and low intelligence level. On the basis of summarizing the research and development status of domestic and foreign upland gap self-propelled variable sprayer, this paper aims to optimize the design of domestic upland gap self-propelled variable sprayer to make it safer and more efficient. This paper designs a kind of variable sprayer which is suitable for complicated environment by combining upland self-propelled sprayer with variable sprayer, so as to save medicine, time and work efficiency.

Key words: highland gap; Spray machine; Variables; Self propelled



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