
 2021-11-22 21:48:32

摘要: 植物病虫害严重制约了我国农业、林业、牧业的发展,不仅每年给我国造成巨大的经济损失,而且给我国生态环境带来严重的负面影响。因此,人们迫切地需要一种有效的方法来及时监测和预防这些病虫害的发生发展。本文介绍了植物病虫害给我国林业生产和生态建设带来的巨大影响,总结了热处理防治植物病虫害与光谱分析监测植物病虫害的研究成果,提出了将热处理与光谱分析相结合即通过光谱分析及时有效的校核热处理效果的设想,为植物病虫害防治的研究发展提供参考。


Experimental and Spectral analysis on Heat treatment of seedlings

Abstract: Plant pests and diseases severely restrict the development of agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry in China, which not only causes huge economic losses to China every year, but also brings serious negative effects to China#39;s ecological environment. Therefore, there is an urgent need for an effective method to monitor and prevent the occurrence and development of these pests and diseases in a timely manner. This paper introduces the great impact of plant pests and diseases on forestry production and ecological construction in China. This paper puts forward the idea of combining heat treatment with spectral analysis, that is, timely and effective checking heat treatment effect through spectral analysis, and provides a reference for the research and development of plant pest control.

Key words: Pests and diseases; Heat treatment of seedlings; Spectral analysis



热处理,是植物病虫害物理防治方法的一种,且是最常用的方法,目前常用于植物热处理的主要有蒸汽、热水、热空气和太阳照射。热水和湿热空气处理对病苗和嫁接枝条有脱毒作用,在温室环境中对病苗木进行光照热疗,可以减少病菌数量,促进其健康生长[4] [5]

植物光谱,指的是植物在光线照射下,其由于叶片吸收和反射而形成的一系列具有特定波长和反射强度的光线谱[6] [7]。植物光谱用于植物病虫害检测已有30余年历史,是目前国际主流的植物病虫害在线和离线检测手段。

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