
 2022-07-23 15:36:41




Airborne spectral information collection and analysis of Poplar

Abstract:In recent decades, the area of forestry pests and diseases has been increasing year by year. Dangerous pests and diseases are constantly emerging. It has seriously affected the development and ecological balance of forestry economy in China. The problem of plant diseases and insect pests has always been the top priority in forestry work.With the development of science and technology, it is a hot method to detect plant diseases and insect pests by using UAV spectral technology.According to the poplar pest problems, combined with the status quo of forestry pests in China, summarized the physical control, chemical control, biological control and other methods, existing problems and development of pest detection of UAV spectrum technology and research, and puts forward some suggestions of spectrum acquisition methods, different time of poplar plant spectral image the map analysis system, different health status of poplar spectrum research, which can provide reference for the further study of poplar air spectral information acquisition and analysis technology.

Key word:unmanned aerial vehicle、spectrum、prevention and control of diseases and pests


杨树光谱指的是杨树在光线照射下,其由于叶片吸收和反射而形成的一系列具有特定波长和反射强度的光线谱。杨树航空光谱(Airborne spectrum of Poplar),指的是在杨树地面光谱技术基础上,结合无人机(unmanned aerial vehicle-UAV)等航拍设备[1],利用航空成像技术,对地面区域进行航拍,通过对航拍所得到的杨树光谱图像进行分析、对比,从而了解杨树生长过程中的病虫害问题并加以解决。

近些年,我国杨树遭受病虫害问题十分严重,在我国豫西北地区杨树上草履蚧是重要危险之一,它可致使部分大树树势衰弱,生长量锐减;更有甚者,由于草履蚧(drosicha corpulenta)遍布树体树干缝隙、梢部幼嫩处刺吸汁液,分泌油状蜡液,造成5、6年生的大树成片死亡。另外在上世纪70年代入侵的美国白蛾(fall webworm),由于没有天敌对我国树木造成了巨大伤害。天牛(Longicorn)同样是造成我国杨树损失的重要病虫之一,在华北和西北等地区发生面积大,危害严重;主要包括陕西、甘肃、宁夏、山东、辽宁南部、江苏和安徽北部;自1991年以来,仅宁夏自治区就砍伐有虫木8000余万株,由于这些树木已千疮百孔,完全失去利用价值,造成直接经济损失数亿元。同时使西北的生态环境受到了严重破坏[2-3]

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