
 2022-07-23 15:44:57


摘 要



Design of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) system for forest fire extinguishing


Forestry is the main body of ecological construction in China, but there are more than twenty thousand fires that happen every year, which not only cause serious direct economic losses to our country, but also make it impossible to estimate the loss of ecological benefits in the long run.This paper is going to design a new type of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for small forest fire extinguishing, which is mainly suitable for mountainous, hilly and remote areas which cannot be taken into consideration by surface equipment or artificial patrol.The main body is divided into two parts of the unmanned aerial vehicle and the fire extinguishing projectile, and the UAV is a small UAV with the six rotor.Fire extinguishing bomb is ball - like extinguishing ball ,fire extinguishing ball is used in form of shrapnel.Extinguishing ball and the UAV connected by a bomb compartment mounted for high-altitude throwing.The whole system is controlled by the ground remote control device.

Key words:forest;outfire;unmanned aerial vehicle;system design

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