
 2022-03-22 20:56:17



随着我国生产、 生活用电量的大幅增长, 电气火灾事故发生率不断上升, 国家陆续制定和修改了多项政策法规, 来减少电气火灾事故的发生, 电气防火市场面临着巨大的机遇和挑战。 但是目前市场上的电气火灾监控产品存在价格偏高, 经济型产品功能又过于单一的问题。 开发一种体积小、 精度高、 测量一致性好, 价格相对低廉的多路电气火灾探测器和与相应的电气火灾监控设备具有现实的意义

关键字:电气火灾监控探测器, 电气火灾监控设备, PIC 单片机


With the substantial growth in electricity production and life in our country, the electrical fire accident rate is rising, the state has formulated and revised a number of policies and regulations, to reduce the electrical fire accidents, electrical fire protection market is facing great opportunities and challenges. But currently on the market for electric fire monitoring products generally high price, and cheap product function is too simple. The development of a small size, high precision measurement, good consistency, multiple electric fire detector and electrical fire monitoring device with the corresponding

has realistic significance.

Key words: Electrical fire detectors, Electrical fire monitoring equipment,PIC mcu


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