
 2022-08-10 14:19:18




Abstract:Traditional smart home is often only through the intelligent control center to achieve the adjustment and control of indoor electrical appliances, lights, etc., but it ignores the part of the ground throughout the whole room. As the presentation of indoor floor, floor should also be included in the scope of smart home. The indoor intelligent geographic information system described in this paper is based on the floor. The floor is laid orderly on the ground. The pressure sensor array is arranged on the back of the floor to collect the pressure signal on the floor, and the position information of the pressure floor is sent to the control module through the supporting wireless module, so as to achieve the purpose of geographic information networking and positioning. The system can run independently to complete intrusion alarm, inductive lighting, elderly fall reminder and other functions; the system can also exchange information with other smart home systems to provide navigation services for floor sweeping robots and smart home service robots. In addition to the indoor positioning function, the system is also equipped with temperature sensor and photosensitive sensor. The temperature sensor can monitor the temperature of floor heating, and can also be used for fire alarm; the photosensitive sensor can monitor the brightness of indoor light, and provide services for lighting system and curtain system.

Keywords: Intelligent furniture, Intelligent floor, Geographic information system, Member component

一. 前言


二. 国内外研究现状


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