
 2022-06-21 23:06:59


摘要:口袋公园这一新型公园至其问世以来, 便深受人们的青睐, 近年在我国也掀起了口袋公园的建设热潮, 然而与口袋公园的建设速度相比, 其相对的理论研究却并没能跟上其建设的步伐, 致使许多口袋公园在建设时因得不到足够科学合理的理论指导, 而造成了在建成之后的口袋公园内普遍存在许多问题。本文主要以介绍国内外口袋公园研究概况,介绍公园营造的内容与原则,从而指导后续场地的规划设计。


Abstract: Pocket park, a new type of park, has been favored by people since it came into being. In recent years, there has also been a boom in the construction of pocket park in China. However, compared with the construction speed of pocket park, its relative theoretical research has not been able to keep up with the pace of its construction. As a result, many pocket parks can not get enough scientific and reasonable theoretical guidance in the construction, resulting in the completion of the There are many problems in the pocket park. This paper mainly introduces the general situation of pocket park research at home and abroad, introduces the content and principle of park construction, so as to guide the subsequent site planning and design.

Key words: urban renewal; pocket park; community building; community renewal; public participation.

1 社区口袋公园设计的背景


有人认为口袋公园的出现是一种现象, 是一种应对大城市无节制扩张发展的折中主义的体现, 一方面它无奈于用地限制, 另一方面来源于人对自热的渴望和城市生活以之间的二元矛盾。口袋公园的本质应包含物理上的空间属性、人们的使用属性和心灵上的归属性。因此设计时不仅要满足易达易识别的特质, 而要将多种空间相结合, 营造一种无拘无束温馨的尺度宜人, 围合而又有安全感的空间氛围, 远离城市噪音, 根据所在地理区位以适应更多使用人群的不同需求[7]

2 社区口袋公园设计原则

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