Abstract: Nowadays, citizens are more eager to have a quiet and open landscape in their fast-paced life to relax and enrich their lives. The landscape environment of residential area has been paid more and more attention, which is also the embodiment of improving the quality of life. At present, there are many problems in many urban residential areas, such as 'one size fits all', 'no one#39;s attention' and 'taking a quick look'. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen human landscape interaction by learning Chinese traditional technology, using new remote control, wireless sensing and other scientific means. Through the study of residents#39; psychological response, age preference and other aspects to create a precise service landscape. Through the use of low-carbon environmental protection materials, planting oxygen fixation and carbon dioxide release and purification of pollution vegetation, to create an ecological residential landscape. By mining the regional characteristics of the city, catering to the cultural feelings of the residents, and using the local characteristic tree species, we can create the interactive landscape of the urban residential area according to the local conditions.
Key words: dynamic; multi-element; interactive media; unconscious behavior; low carbon ecological sustainability.
随着人们生活水平提高,人们越来越重视居住环境,居住区室外环境越来越华丽美观。然而, 每天匆匆往返于居住区入口到自家单元入口之间的居民,无法参与和感受周边的人、植与动物,更无法使自己成为其中的一部分,邻里之间缺乏沟通交流,人们对于户外活动缺乏动力和兴趣,人们对于居住区缺乏归属感与幸福感。
现代景观设计针对不同人群的生活方式,更需要提出新的对策和表达方式。重视交互设计,亦是设计师、住户共同与住区景观的良好交互方式,他们参与到设计中能感受到生活及设计的乐趣, 反馈的信息则会更准确。人景交互的设计其意义在于让生活环境变得生动和鲜活。在我们日常生活的环境中,存在着各种让人能够感知、理解或是切身体验的景观元素与内容。