
 2022-06-28 23:05:01



关键词:雨洪管理 海绵城市 雨水花园 带状公园

Abstract:With the continuous development of China#39;s economy and the acceleration of urbanization, a series of environmental problems have followed, and the problem of rain and flood management has become an urgent environmental problem in China#39;s urban construction. The concept of sponge city has played a great role in alleviating flood, making full use of water resources, repairing water circulation and maintaining ecological balance. Rain garden as its specific implementation point, in the construction of a strong implementation, and bring great ecological benefits. By analyzing the general situation of some experts and scholars at home and abroad on the research and application of urban rain garden, this paper sorts out and summarizes relevant literature, and intends to carry out further research based on the actual situation of the design site.

Key words:stormwater management;sponge city;rain garden;ribbon park

  1. 、前言





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