
 2022-01-16 20:04:36



摘 要: 传统与现代相结合是设计专业的永恒话题,我国具有历史悠久的文化底蕴和形式多样的传统文化,而榫卯结构作为传统文化中不可忽视的一部分。设计者可以将其与现代文创产品设计进行有机结合,让接触者了解校园文化的同时也了解优秀的传统文化,且不单单停留在使用和需求的层面,也可以进一步欣赏传统工艺之美,思索传统文化与高校历史文化的沉淀与精神追求。并且在使用的过程中实现中华名族文化的认同。

关键词: 榫卯结构 文创 高校文创 木制品

作者简介: 卢雨欣,女,南京林业大学家居与工业设计学院本科生。研究方向: 产品设计、家具设计。

Abstract:The combination of tradition and modernity is an eternal topic in the design profession. China has a long history of cultural heritage and diverse forms of traditional culture, and the mortise and tenon structure as a part of traditional culture can not be ignored. Designers can organically combine it with modern cultural and creative product design, so that the contacts can understand the campus culture and the excellent traditional culture, and not only stay in the use and demand level, but also further appreciate the beauty of traditional craft, thinking about the precipitation and spiritual pursuit of traditional culture and the history and culture of the university. And in the use of the process to achieve the identity of the Chinese culture.

Key words: mortise and tenon structure; Gen; Cultural innovation in colleges and universities; Wood products.




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