
 2022-06-21 23:10:52




Abstract:Mining industry in the era of high consumption and high input, has provided the material foundation and economic support for the development of the country, playing a cornerstone of the general role. But in the post-industrial era with information as the core, people gradually realize that the other side of high profitises is its great destructiveness. Mining wasteland constantly induces secondary geological disasters, encroaches on urban space, wells and mine subsidies lead to a sharp decline in the number of animal and plant populations, waste to the surrounding soil and water body continuous pollution ... All kinds of negative problems remind us that we must face up to the repair and renewal of mining cities in the process of economic transformation as soon as possible. The main significance of this research is to design the ecological reconstruction and restoration of the Copper Official Mountain mining area, and to build an urban mine park that will bring about the vitality of the region and promote the renewal and transformation of the urban industry.

Key words:Mine abandoned land, Landscape restoration of abandoned land, Ecological remediation design, Landscape repairing, Ecological reconstruction

1 矿山废弃地修复设计的背景

20 世纪 50 年代末,随着国民经济不断提高,国内生产总值不断增加,针对矿山废弃地的修复活动也在各地自发地组织了起来。然而,受限于客观现实、经济财政和思想观念,在50年代至80年代之间,这项修复工作并未取得较大的进展。在20世纪80年代之前,我国矿山废弃地生态修复的工作基本都是以改善环境维护矿区安全为目的的各矿区自发的造林造田,极少有理论的指导,但仍为滞后的生态修复实践活动积累了宝贵经验。直到 90 年代后,我国有关工业废弃地的生态修复的理论才初具规模,同一时期,国家土地管理局先后在全国设立了 12 个土地复垦试验示范点,5大面积的土地复垦的试验和推广的工作也逐渐开展起来,2006 年由国土资源部等 7 个部委开发的《关于加强生产建设项目土地复垦管理工作的通知》(国土资发[2006]225 号)[1]。这是我国复垦事业的一个里程碑,标志着复垦进入开采许可。开采和建设用地等用地的审批程序都要编制土地复垦方案。

2 矿山废弃地修复设计原则

  1. 土壤重构与修复


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