
 2021-12-09 22:40:53

摘 要


关键词: 城市青年 共享社区 智能家具 居住空间


With the continuous development of urbanization, urban housing land is becoming increasingly tense. Housing price in Chinese large cities is still too high for youth to afford. While the development of sharing economy and smart home technology offers new possibilities for meeting the millennial generationrsquo;s need. In the era of intelligent change, furniture industry also needs to adapt to market development and design with user centered. The first part of this paper searches the Chinese and foreign literatures of urban youth living space, finding out that in the domestic literature, there has been more research on 'small-sized', 'modular' and 'multi-functional' furniture as well as multiple studies on the small-sized residential buildings in Japan, but less research on “smart” and “community” furniture. In contrast, there are more discussion of future living patterns and the technical realization of 'automation' furniture. Through the comprehensive complementation of domestic and foreign literature, we can lay a solid theoretical foundation for the research of this topic. The second part of this paper analyzes the actual cases of this area both at home and abroad. These cases show the change from space utilization to community life from time to time. These case and project laid the commercial and technical feasibility for this study.

Keywords:urban youth sharing community smart furniture living space

1 相关理论研究

    1. 相关家具设计理论

本课题相关的家具设计的关键词有“小户型”、“可移动”、“模块化”、“定制化”、“可变化”、“响应式”和“建筑家具”等,以这些关键词结合“家具设计”在中国知网和谷歌学术、IEEE、ScienceDirect上分别进行检索。发现在国内研究中,“小户型”家具相关研究最多,且往往和“模块化”、“多功能”相结合,只有部分文献如《基于整合设计的小户型多功能家具设计研究》 [[1]]、《系统化视角下的小户型住宅家具设计研究》 [[2]]提到“整合设计”和“系统化”思维;而“移动家具”和“弹性家具”则较多的出现在办公家具中,“建筑家具”大多在探讨建筑形态在家具中的应用,只有少数几篇如《一体化设计理念下的中国家具与建筑》 [[3]]探讨了建筑与家具的融合,而“响应式家具”则无相关研究;在国外研究中,主要集中在智能家具的技术实现和设计方法上,如:《Convertible furniture design》探讨了可变性家具的设计 [[4]],《The Innovative Design Method of Intelligent Furniture》较为系统地探讨了智能家具的定义和设计方法 [[5]],只有少数如《Folding art conforms to small spatial furniture design》特别针对小户型家具设计进行了探讨 [[6]]。


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