
 2022-03-11 22:41:17


摘 要:“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。”这句诗词表达了人们对田园生活的向往,也与现今人们对内心生活所向不谋而合。“禅”是东方传统文化的精髓,其追求不以物喜,不以己悲,由其提炼出反省吾身的精神。新中式家具设计继承和发展了传统文化——“禅”。“禅”追求不全之美、自然之美、意境之美,意图表现的就是洒脱自然之感。将家具设计融入禅宗理念, 表现空灵、平淡、宁静、洒脱的意境, 也使家具成为一件有意境有文化有故事的物件,添加了生活上的精神趣味。新材料的发展使家具材料不再局限于天然木材,用新材料表现禅文化,将古风与现代感相结合,使家具既富有功能又不落俗尘。

关键词:禅意风格 新中式 新材料

Design of new Chinese furniture based on zen tea culture

Abstract:While picking asters #39;neath the Eastern fence,my gaze upon the Southern mountain rests.This poem expresses people#39;s longing for pastoral life, and it coincides with people#39;s desire for inner life today.'Zen' is the essence of traditional oriental culture. Its pursuit is not to rejoice in self-interest or grief, but to extract the spirit of introspection.New Chinese style furniture design inherits and develops traditional culture-'Zen'.'Zen' pursues the beauty of incompleteness, the beauty of nature, and the beauty of artistic conception. The intention is to express the sense of free and easy nature.The furniture design into the Zen philosophy, the performance of ethereal, plain, peaceful, free and easy mood, but also the furniture has become a cultural mood of the story of the object, add the spirit of fun in life.The development of new materials has made furniture materials no longer limited to natural wood, using new materials to express Zen culture, and combining ancient style with modernity, making furniture both functional and unobtrusive.

Key words: Zen style, new Chinese style, new materials

1 研究目的与意义


2 国内外研究现状

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